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The first place they passed was Stoneco, but there was no sign of life near the shore, and the Good Turn chugged by unheeded. They ran across to Milton where a couple of men lolled on a wharf and a few people were waiting at the little station.

Crosland, to drag him in again, to illustrate our abuse of "the language," quotes from some tenth-rate American author which is a way they have had in England of judging our literature with the comment that "that is not the way John Milton wrote." Not long ago Mr. Crosland became involved in a trial in the courts in connection with Oscar Wilde, Lord Alfred Douglas and Robert Ross.

Destiny will appear in poetry as an omnipotent God; Virgil had already prepared poetry for that. But the action at large must clearly consist now, and for the first time, overwhelmingly of supernatural imagination. Milton has been foolishly blamed for making his supernaturalism too human.

It is true, as Frederick Harrison says, that "this Victorian age has no Shakespeare or Milton, no Bacon or Hume, no Fielding or Scott no supreme master in poetry, philosophy, or romance whose work is incorporated with the thought of the world, who is destined to form an epoch, to endure for centuries."

"He's not dead, is he?" "Milton the poet," said Mary. "I'm all in a maze," said the girl. "I don't know what you're talking about. But I suppose I'd better tell him." The girl left them on the mat and knocked at a door just inside. "Come in," said a man's voice. "Please, sir," said the girl, "there are two children asking about someone named Milton." The owner of the voice laughed.

Very was a poet who had no fast colors; he has quite faded out in our day. Of Matthew Arnold Emerson says: "I should like to call attention to the critical superiority of Arnold, his excellent ear for style, and the singular poverty of his poetry, that in fact he has written but one poem, 'Thyrsis, and that on an inspiration borrowed from Milton."

Turning to the pony, she measured the space from the ground to the queer saddle and wondered how people mounted such things without a groom. When she had mounted that morning it had been Milton Hamar's strong arm that swung her into the saddle, and his hand that held her foot for the instant of her spring. The memory of it now sent a shudder of dislike over her whole body.

Bishop Butler and Richard Hooker especially the latter, the first book of whose "Ecclesiastical Polity" is a truly noble piece of writing stand, perhaps, at the head of the weighty class of writers in our language; but going beyond these to the "Areopagitica" of Milton, or even to the powerful prose of Raleigh, you pass the boundary-line, and are touched with the buoyant influences of the Muse.

Belmont, being chosen to represent the Democracy of Mammon, did little more than paraphrase in prose the speech of that fallen financier in another rebellious conclave, as reported by Milton: "How in safety best we may Compose our present evils, with regard Of what we are and were, dismissing quite All thoughts of war."

Milton protested against this, as against every other form of tyranny, and his Areopagitica so called from the Areopagus or Forum of Athens, the place of public appeal, and the Mars Hill of St. Paul's address is the most famous plea in English for the freedom of the press.