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The barrister looked in front and around and seemed at a loss. "Where is he?" he asked. "Hang it, I've lost him!" "I haven't!" said Millwaters. "He left his car before we left ours. Our man knew what he was after he slowed up and passed him until I saw where he went." He twisted Perkwite round and pointed to the mouth of a street which they had just passed. "He's gone down there," he said.

Martincole's place, Mr. Viner," answered Millwaters. "Mr. Perkwite and I traced Mr. Cave here early in the afternoon; he went in, but he's never come out; we saw you enter here you are. We saw Miss Wickham and Mrs. Killenhall there's Miss Wickham, but where's the other lady? And where " Viner stopped the clerk's questions with a glance, and he laughed a little as he gave him his answer.

And that evening, Millwaters, who had clever ways of his own, made himself well acquainted with the so-called Mr.

And now he's evidently making for the City." "Well, I'm after him," remarked Millwaters. He leaned out of his window, called the chauffeur, and gave him some further instructions. "Intelligent chap, this, Mr. Perkwite," he said as he sat down again. "He understands some of 'em are poor hands at this sort of game."

"Two bottles o' Bass, gov'nor," responded Millwaters promptly, dropping into colloquial Cockney speech. He turned to Perkwite and winked. "Well, an' wot abaht this 'ere bit o' business as I've come rahnd abaht, Mister?" he went on, nudging his companion, in free-and-easy style.

In person and appearance he was eminently fitted for his job a little, inconspicuous, plain-featured man who contrived to look as if he never saw anything. And to him, knowing that he was to be thoroughly depended upon, Portlethwaite had given precise orders. "You'll go up to Lancaster Gate tonight, Millwaters, and get a good look at that chap," Portlethwaite had told him.