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It must indeed be dissolved in great part already,” he continued, “and what we see is the remains of a mountain of ice which must have weighed millions of tons.” Captain Len Guy now appeared, and perceiving the group of sailors around West, he came forward.

But, in default of that, it behoved her to do something; to be their Providence; for to Tess, as to not a few millions of others, there was ghastly satire in the poet's lines Not in utter nakedness But trailing clouds of glory do we come.

If the most enlightened man had been told, in 1792, that, in 1815, the interest on eight hundred millions would be duly paid to the day at the Bank, he would have been as hard of belief as if he had been told that the government would be in possession of the lamp of Aladdin or of the purse of Fortunatus.

Wilt Thou, Heavenly Father, continue to enlighten this body of men and women that are represented in this great field of the world's busy hive so that the starving millions of the world, now in our cities rioting for bread, and in the vast nations where they are crying for food, may be fed.

The markets of the world should belong to France; Paris will forever give the tone to women's fashions, and yet the hats which all Frenchmen wear to-day are made in every country on earth! There are ten millions of foreign money to be gained annually for France in that question " "A revolution!" cried Bixiou, pretending enthusiasm. "Yes, and a radical one; for the form must be changed."

"I thought everything at the sun must be on fire," said Daisy, looking meditatively at the doctor. "You see you were mistaken. It has only a covering of clouds of fire so to speak." "But it must be very hot there." "It is pretty hot here," said the doctor, shrugging his shoulders, "ninety five millions of miles away; so I do not see that we can avoid your conclusion."

We are going to 'wrastle' you out of here, just as I say, Bert, my boy, at any cost, and it's a piece of great good luck that you won't have to count the pennies in whatever it may cost." "But I shall have to count them if our mine is shut down." "Not if you and your partners make this sale to the Lawrenceburg people. Five millions will give each of you a million and two-thirds apiece.

I have seen them at Blue Licks, and they abound near the Kentucky river. Although an incredible number of those trees is cut down daily, there is still a greater number standing, in the United States; and millions of bushels of berries are lost every year, while only skilful hands are wanted, to make them useful to mankind.

His exchequer, so full when he ascended the throne as to excite the awe of contemporary financiers, was reduced before his death to a net income of some four millions of dollars.

Twenty millions of people not only can make a word, but they can make a language, if it be needed. "When lo! the voice of loud alarm His inmost soul appals: What ho! Lord William, rise in haste! The water saps thy walls!" Lord William.