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Suddenly he sprang up, and took her hand with a pressure all too strong for the "friend" she called him, as he said: "Miss Millie, you are one of a thousand. Good-night." For a few moments she sat where he left her. What did he mean? Had she revealed her heart too plainly? His manner surely had been unmistakable, and no woman could have doubted the language of his eyes.

On the contrary, it sent me home in thoughtful mood, for Millie Whitcomb has acquired a knowledge of human nature in the dispensing of her fancy goods and notions. It set me casting about for a really homely heroine. There never has been a really ugly heroine in fiction.

Then she gently pulled the rooster to her by means of the rope, and took it off the fowl's neck. The rooster was bedraggled from having been dragged through the dust and the dirt, and it was so dizzy from having been whirled around by Trouble that it could hardly stand up. Aunt Millie smoothed out its feathers and got it some water. The rooster drank a little and seemed to feel better.

"I get you," says I, and, after cautionin' Jake to keep on his feet until I came back, I slips out and posts myself behind a potted palm where I could watch the early arrivals comin' down from the cloakrooms. It wa'n't a long wait; for pretty soon down floats Mildred and Marjorie, all got up in flossy party dresses and fairly quiverin' with excitement. "Oh, you dear boy!" gushes Millie.

Jiminy Christmas, guess we'll have a regular party to-day. All of us are in it, and Aunt Rebecca's comin', and Lyman Mertzheimer, and I guess Martin Landis, and mebbe some of the little Landis ones and the whole Crow Hill will be here. Here comes Millie with the snitz!" The pared apples were put into the kettle, then the stirring commenced.

But you see for yourself we we can't go on this way." She sat for a moment, her stare widening above the palm clapped tightly against her mouth. "Then you mean, Harry, you want you want a a " "Now, now, Millie, try to keep hold of yourself. You're a sensible woman. You know I'll do the right thing by you to any amount.

Chirk, chirk, chirk, it went, the sound of a spoon being rapidly whisked round a basin. "That girl!" she said. "There! I clean forgot it. It's her being so long!" And while she herself finished mixing the mustard, she gave Millie a few verbal stabs for her excessive slowness. And him a new guest and wanting to stay!

"Pearl has done fine, and sized the case up well ... but she's wrong there. It looks bad just now, Millie but you didn't make such a rotten guess, after all. I'm not just sayin' what I'll do, but " "The deal is off, Bob," he said to Mr. Gilchrist, "until Mrs. Paine and I talk things over." And then Pearl quietly slipped into her coat and, motioning to Peter, who gladly followed her, went out.

He grinned at me, but this didn't make me want to kill him. Do they hear me down stairs?" "Go on, for God's sake!" I urged. "Why did you kill him? Didn't you know " "I knew everything, Bill. But I didn't want to kill him. I turned away, and walked up the road, and he came along after me on his horse. And when we were some distance away he made a slighting remark about Millie.

Marland remarked in the quietest voice in the world "There's some one in the temple." "What?" cried Millie. "Eh?" exclaimed Calder. "Nonsense!" said Charlie. "I saw a face at the window," insisted Mrs. Marland. "Oh, Mrs. Marland! Was it very awful?" "Not at all, Millie very pretty," and she gave Charlie a look full of meaning. "Look, look!" cried Millie in strong agitation.