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He did plan to take a larger apartment next year and to live in a little better style, perhaps also to keep horses; but the prospect was not interesting. While he sat one evening debating such things the electric bell of his apartment was rung by the conductor of the freight-elevator, who came to say that there was a German man in the basement inquiring for Mr. Millard. His name was Schulenberg.

If Phillida could have known the thoughts that occupied the mind of Millard on Sunday afternoon, two or three weeks later, as he started for his monthly visit in Avenue C, she would not have judged his purposes in life severely. His walk lay through a cross-street which steadily deteriorated as he journeyed eastward, condescendingly assimilating itself to the character of each avenue in turn.

He followed it over a level tract of country miles in extent, and found it at last in a ditch, nose down, tail in air, like a duck hunting bugs in the mud. This story loses nine tenths of its interest for want of Mac's pungent method of telling it. One of the bona-fide godchildren of Chance was Millard.

"There are a few people I simply must see and I'm tied up, therefore, for perhaps half an hour; and Manton's downstairs still trying to locate Millard for you. But Carey's at your disposal, Mr. Kennedy, to show you the arrangement of the studio and to cooperate with you in any way if you think there's any possible chance of finding anything to bear upon Stella's death here."

When the note came into Millard's hands he did not know what to do. His commission did not extend to opening a missive addressed to Mrs. Hilbrough. The first impulse was to dispatch Robert with the note to Mrs. Hilbrough. Then Millard remembered Mr. Hilbrough's apprehension of diphtheria, and that Robert had come from the infected house. He would send Mrs. Callender's note by a messenger.

Hardly seeming to veer, the rider made for another fellow, and barely missed him. Just a second later, so it seemed, this valiant rider hauled the horse on its haunches, and swung back, heading for another wretch. Millard leaped at the horseman, a stone in his uplifted fist. But Jack Benson saw him, and a well-planted blow sent Millard to the ground.

Across the lake of Tezcuco is Tezcuco itself, a great city and the capital of a kingdom at the time of the Conquest, and famous for its palaces and its learned men. Now it is an insignificant Spanish town, built, indeed, to a great extent, of the stones of the old buildings. Mr. There we find Mr. Millard, a Frenchman, who is an employé of Mr.

Martin was sure that he could overwhelm Charley Millard, even though he might not convince him. So when he had said, "How-are-yeh, and glad to see yeh, Charley, and hope yer well, and how's things with you?" he sat down, and presently opened his battery. "You see, Charley, our Miss Bowyer, the Christian Science healer, is well-posted about medicine and the Bible.

"She's pumping Millard for more information about Stella Lamar," I remarked. Kennedy had no comment.

He hurried back to his post by the window: nor was he an instant too soon. The door opened before he had fairly stepped from the apartment. Sir Oswald re-entered, followed by two men. One was the butler, the other was the valet, Joseph Millard. The will was executed in the presence of these men, who affixed their signatures to it as witnesses.