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Scarcely an evening elapsed that the young man did not pass and repass the shop in which Mildred was employed, for through the lighted windows he could see the object of his thoughts unobserved, and not infrequently he followed her as she wearily returned homeward, and his heart ached with the impotent desire to lighten the burdens of her life.

"I have kept my oath," she thought. "I have wreaked the vengeance I have sworn. If I left him forever now, the manes of Zenith the gypsy might rest appeased. But the astrologer's prediction ah! the work must go on to the appalling end." Early in the afternoon arrived Lady Kingsland and Mildred, in a frightful state of excitement and horror. Harriet murdered!

Let's have a stroll." "We can't go far," said Mildred, "for mamma is sleeping, and I would not have her wake and be frightened for anything." "Well, we'll only go around a block or two. You'll feel the stronger for it, and be in a better condition to move to-morrow," for Mildred had told him of her purpose, and he had promised to help them get settled on the following evening.

'I think it right to warn you that it would be well not to speak of anything that would be likely to excite him, for the doctor says that all hope of his recovery depends on his being kept quiet. I am, Madam, yours truly, 'Ellen Gibbs, so that is her name, thought Mildred.

"Mildred!" cried George, staggered, stricken as though by some fiery rain. "I ought to be sorry for your wife," she went on. "She is a splendid woman, she has done nothing to deserve that you should treat her so scandalously. But I can't I can't" a dry sob caught her voice "be sorry for any one except myself and Ian.

"Darling mamma is reviving, Belle is blossoming like a blush rose, and I well, thank God for Roger Atwood's friendship. May I soon be able to thank Him for his love." Ah, Mildred Jocelyn, you have still much to learn. A second love can grow up in the heart, but not readily in one like yours. Within a month from the time that Mr.

She could make nothing of it, however, till Mildred showed her how to place each stroke, and then she was very soon weary of the effort, and gave it up, yawning. Drawing was not to be one of her accomplishments. Kitty was to accompany them to the west. When the day of departure arrived, a great coach and pair came to the door, and the luggage was piled up on it.

The one who played the violin leaned sometimes against a tree, and sometimes she joined the others, playing as she danced. "I know that gavotte. Come, let us go to them. I'll play for them if they'll let me." Very soon the woman who played the violin seemed to recognise Mildred as a better player than herself.

"Dear me, Mildred, how silly you are; you are like a schoolgirl!" said Miss Terry. "Agatha is put out because you do not offer to dance three times with her." "Oh! but I will, though, if she likes; three quadrilles." And so the matter passed off in mutual badinage; but Mildred did not forget her intention.

Mackenzie gave you the dog, Helen, I have not all that faith in his invincibility." Helen smiled her appreciation of that sentence, though she did not like her stepmother's looks. "I would rather trust Jim's teeth than our bolts and locks, and I told him to take care of you." "That was thoughtful of you!" Mildred said.