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Had the life of the most indifferent person been in jeopardy, under the circumstances named, Mildred would have been filled with deep awe; but a gush of tender sensations, which had hitherto been pent up in the sacred privacy of her virgin affections, struggled with natural horror, as she trod lightly on the very verge of the declivity, and cast a timid but eager glance beneath.

Dutton's apartment, he whispered something in the ear of the agitated girl that caused her to turn on him a look of happiness, though it came dimmed with tears; then he had his turn of holding her, for another precious instant, to his heart. "My dear Mrs. Dutton nay, my dear mother," he said, "Mildred and myself have both need of parents.

Dorian crossed the street. He must find out something. He stood by the gate, not knowing what to do. The door opened again, and a woman, evidently a neighbor, came out. She saw the young man and stopped. "Pardon me," said Dorian, "but tell me how Mildred Miss Brown is?" "She just died." "Thank you." The woman went into a nearby house.

I shall only have just time to catch the train by walking very fast. Good-bye. 'Please, mam, any orders to-day for the butcher? 'Always the same question how tired I am of hearing the same words. I suppose it is very wicked of me to be so discontented, thought Mildred, as she sat on the sofa with her key-basket in her hand; 'but I have got so tired of Sutton.

Mildred gazed at her vaguely and said, "Tell me a rich man, a very rich man if he hates anyone, can he make trouble?" "Money can do anything in this town," replied Mrs. Belloc. "But usually rich men are timid and stingy. If they weren't, they'd make us all cringe. As it is, I've heard some awful stories of how men and women who've got some powerful person down on them have been hounded."

Wheaton was their companion now, and she soon gave the final touches to a delicate little supper, which, with some choice flowers, she had placed on the table. It was her purpose to wait upon them with the utmost respect and deference, but Mildred drew her into a chair, with a look that repaid the good soul a hundred times for all the past. "Roger," she said gayly, "Mrs.

I'm afraid it's not been good for a highly strung creature like Mildred to see so much of her; and why on earth did she?" He tried to clear his mind of Tims's fantastic suggestions; of everything, indeed, except the freshness of the air rushing past him, the beauty of the wide view, steeped in the romance of distance.

"Because Miss Terry told me that he was; she said that he was always proposing to you, and that you would probably marry him in the end." Mildred blushed faintly. "She has no business to tell you; but, for the matter of that, so have many other men. It does not follow that, because they choose to propose to me, they are my friends." "No, but then they have not married you."

Belloc. "You mustn't weaken me," cried Mildred. "You mustn't encourage me to be a coward and to shirk. That's why I'm coming here." "I understand," said Mrs. Belloc. "I've got the New England streak of hardness in me, though I believe that masseuse has almost ironed it out of my face. Do I look like a New England schoolmarm?" Mildred could truthfully answer that there wasn't a trace of it.

Yes, this is the baby sister I've raved to you about. We go right on with the Doric; but I had to bring her out with me that you might have just one glance at her. Why! Mr. Prime! Why, what could be more charming than to find you here? And 'Gov. too you wicked boy! What won't I do to you for never telling me you were in Manila? And Mildred!" "And you, too, Miss Lawrence?"