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I hated him simply because I am sane. It is in that character that he outraged me. His death..." Razumov felt his voice growing thick in his throat. The dimness of Councillor Mikulin's eyes seemed to spread all over his face and made it indistinct to Razumov's sight. He tried to disregard these phenomena. "Indeed," he pursued, pronouncing each word carefully, "what is his death to me?

It was not his soul, it was his mere phantom he had left behind on this earth thought Razumov, smiling caustically to himself while he crossed the room, utterly forgetful of where he was and of Councillor Mikulin's existence. The official could have set a lot of bells ringing all over the building without leaving his chair. He let Razumov go quite up to the door before he spoke.

Councillor Mikulin was a good-natured man and wished no harm to anyone. But as fate would have it, while Mr. Razumov was finding that no way of life was possible to him, Councillor Mikulin's discreet abilities were rewarded by a very responsible post nothing less than the direction of the general police supervision over Europe.

The quiet gravity of that gesture made Razumov pause. It was so unexpected, too. What did it mean? It had an alarming aloofness. Razumov remembered his intention of making him show his hand. "I have said all this to Prince K ," he began with assumed indifference, but lost it on seeing Councillor Mikulin's slow nod of assent. "You know it?

"Come, Kirylo Sidorovitch what are you doing?" Razumov turned his head and looked at him in silence. He was not in the least disconcerted. Councillor Mikulin's arms were stretched out on the table before him and his body leaned forward a little with an effort of his dim gaze. "Was I actually going to clear out like this?" Razumov wondered at himself with an impassive countenance.

Razumov's record at the point where Councillor Mikulin's question "Where to?" comes in with the force of an insoluble problem, I shall simply say that I made the acquaintance of these ladies about six months before that time. By "these ladies" I mean, of course, the mother and the sister of the unfortunate Haldin.