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I don't say as I hadn't my own thoughts for gentlemen don't go walking up Grange Lane with a pretty little creature like that all for nothing; but instead o' making anything of that, or leading of you on, or putting it in the child's head to give you encouragement, what was it I did but send her away afore you came home, that you mightn't be led into temptation!

In fact, these suggested one or two little things to me, which might be of interest to you." "Well," said Jethro, "they might, and then again they mightn't. Guess it depends." "Depends!" exclaimed the man of leisure, "depends on what?" "H-how much you know about it." Young Mr. Worthington, instead of being justly indignant, laughed and settled himself comfortably on a pile of bark.

And I," said Strether, "though with a back quite as bent, have never made anything. I'm a perfectly equipped failure." He feared an instant she'd ask him if he meant he was poor; and he was glad she didn't, for he really didn't know to what the truth on this unpleasant point mightn't have prompted her. She only, however, confirmed his assertion.

For a few moments they lay like corpses on the blue swelling round of the water looking straight through infinite distance into the thin faint vapor of the sky. "Yes, I see what you mean." "We might be clouds, almost, mightn't we?" with a slow following note of laughter. Ted looked deeper into the sky, half-closing his eyelids.

I'm a going up, soon as I've got the things on the line and cleaned myself. I only heard it after I'd got every blessed rag in soak, or I'd a gone up afore." "Mightn't I step up with you for company?" Mrs. James asked. "No, you mightn't. But I don't mind dropping in as I come home, to tell you about it.

Nell had never been so lovely or so lovable, and I resolved to find out from my sister if she still thought there might be hope for me in that direction. "I shouldn't keep Robert waiting," I went on, without a pang. "There's no telling what Freule Menela mightn't do. She's clever as well as spiteful." "And poor Robert is so honorable," sighed Phyllis.

Sinclair mightn't like it, and I don't blame her." "As I said before, Miss Howe, you know the world," Mr. Sinclair replied, with infinite mellow humour, and as Miss Howe had risen he rose too, pulling down his waistcoat. "There was just one other thing," Hilda said, holding out her hand. "Next Wednesday, you know, Rosa Norton takes her benefit.

Jogglebury? what an excellent fellow you are, and how kind you'd been about the horses and corn, and all that sort of thing, when it occurred to me that it mightn't be convenient, p'raps to put up a servant; but your wife assures me that it will; so that settles the matter, you know that settles the matter and I'll now send for the horses forthwith.

"That she doesn't intend to live at the Hall this year? Something might have happened after she wrote you girls to make her change her mind." "There's only one thing that I know of and I'd hate to think it was that," returned Judith soberly. "You know what I mean, that Jane mightn't care to room with me." "That is the nonsense," disagreed Adrienne sturdily.

I don't see why something of the same kind mightn't be done with 'God Save the King, The Lord-Lieutenant would be quite satisfied, because he'd think we were always just going to begin and probably come to the conclusion in the end it was the fault of the band that the tune never quite came off.