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Oh, we can last a week or so yet, but the sooner something is done, the sooner we shall be easy in our minds. On second thoughts, though, you'd better go to bed and rest. It mightn't be well to flash on the town to-night, looking fagged, and without your hair dressed, and all that. So you go to bed and I'll go around and call upon a few friends I made when I was here before."

Why, I might get lost in it, mightn't I? I have never been here before. In my story-books, children always get lost in a wood. Uncle Edward, do you think the trees talk to one another? I always think they do. Look at them now. They are just shaking their heads together and whispering, aren't they? Whispering very gently to-day, because it is Sunday.

"They were my own composition," she explained. Mr. George bade me a gloomier farewell. "You might come to some good," he said contemplatively; "and then again you mightn't. I ain't what they call a pessimist, but I thinks poorly of most things. It's safer." Mr.

He was streaking down the road, and Claire was sobbing, "Oh, the lamb, the darling thing! Fretting about his slang, when he wasn't afraid in that horrible nightmare. If we could just do something for him!" "Don't you worry about him, dolly. He's a very energetic chap. And Uh Mightn't we drive on a little farther, perhaps? I confess that the thought of our recent guest still in this vicinity "

The Museum was full of tracks, tracks by the hundred the way really she had knocked about! but she had to see people somewhere, and she couldn't pretend to dodge every ghost. All she could do was not to make confusion, make mixtures, of the living; though she asked herself enough what mixture she mightn't find herself to have prepared if Mr.

I know what happened, but the police mightn't look at the matter in the same light. There's plenty of other ways of explaining that broken window." "I suppose you know what's best," she said with a tired little sigh. "But it all does seem so horrible. I wish I hadn't to lie so." "There's worse things than lying," I hinted.

Or perhaps the Carrolls were a little nicer than most people; when Susan reached this point in her thoughts she never failed to regret the loss of their money and position. If they had done this in spite of poverty and obscurity, what MIGHTN'T they have done with half a chance!

But I'm not sure that it mightn't be very unfair to you; and, you see, I want to think it out." "Very well, think it out, and let me know some time to-night. Will that satisfy you?" "It ought to." And for the moment it did satisfy him. He felt that conscience, that stern guardian of his conduct, was off duty for the day. The experience, he told himself, would be altogether new and delightful.

I don't care," Mamie laughed, "WHAT happens." Strether had a pause while he wondered if it mightn't happen that he should give her the pleasure of learning that he found her nicer than he had really dreamed a pause that ended when he had said to himself that, so far as it at all mattered for her, she had in fact perhaps already made this out.

But I can't help wondering whether Morley is the only consideration that takes you to Washington, whether there mightn't be something else relating, in a way, to the case relating to it and yet not necessarily tied to it directly." "What kind of something?" Braceway retorted. "Say, for instance, something ugly, something painful to Fulton and Withers terrific scandal, perhaps."