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You know and you would admit it if you were honest with yourself that this girl is hard. She's got a chilled-steel soul. 'If you wanted to marry some one and there's no earthly reason why you should, for your life's perfectly full and happy with your work this is the last girl you ought to marry. You're a middle-aged man. You're set. You like life to jog along at a peaceful walk.

Comforting himself with the profound reflection that the fault was not his, he turned wearily to his newspaper-files. A middle-aged man with a keen nose and a snapping eye asked permission to share the benefit of his treasures of journalism. As the middle-aged man glanced over the New-York dailies, he ventured an anathema upon the abominations of Gotham.

She was a middle-aged person, wearing beautifully fitted garments and having an observant eye and a dignified suavity of manner. She looked the young American over with a swift inclusion of all possibilities. He was by this time wearing extremely well-fitting garments himself, but she was at once aware that his tailored perfection was a new thing to him.

Others had the appearance of doing well and hoping for more. It made no difference to Keith. They were all middle-aged, sedate and preoccupied with their own little affairs. They tried to be nice to him, but they did not interest him, and his main grievance against them not clearly understood by any means was that they brought nothing into his life of what he wanted.

When they escaped such encounters she showed no great zest in the exercise, and their rides resolved themselves into a spiritless middle-aged jog along the autumn lanes.

"Tell her about a lot o' young girls you know as married young middle-aged men, an' loved 'em more an' more every day of their lives," continued the skipper. "Not another word," said the mate. "I know just what you want. She shan't marry the clerk if I can help it." The other turned and gripped him warmly by the hand.

Mr Proctor was perfectly honest, and indeed determined, in his "intentions;" but everybody will allow that for a middle-aged lover of fifty or thereabouts, contemplating a sensible match with a lady of suitable years and means, to find suddenly that the object of his affections was not only a penniless woman, but the natural guardian of an equally penniless sister, was startling, to say the least of it.

Romeo's passionate epistles and Juliet's passionate answers, during that period of enforced separation; when the latter had not begun to cool down, and was still able to speak of Gwen's father undeveloped then in that capacity as a tedious, middle-aged prig whom her ridiculous aunt wanted to force upon her?

As he came along the garden path, the gravel started all round his unmusical foot. Miss Wodehouse alone turned round to hail her father's approach, but both the young people looked up at her instinctively, and saw her little start, the falling of her knitting-needles, the little flutter of colour which surprise brought to her maidenly, middle-aged cheek.

A middle-aged person, neatly dressed, and with a pleasing face, opened the door, and said, "I have just seen on a sign placed over this door, 'Pipelet and Cabrion, Dealers in Friendship. Can you, if you please, do me the honor to inform me what this means you being the porter of this house?"