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It seemed some monstrous black bat flying there against the sky, but down to the sensitive microphone on the side of the Solarite came the drone of the hundred mighty propellers as the great plane forged swiftly along. Just how rapidly these giants moved, Arcot had not appreciated until he attempted to overtake this one.

I'll personally have the head of any man who damages that ship!" In five of the ships, the commanders simply held off the bombardment that would have vaporized the derelict. In the sixth, Major Thornton, the Group Commander, snapped off the microphone. His voice was shaky as he said: "That was close! Another second, and we'd have lost that ship forever."

Since the microphone current is absolutely distinct from the oscillating currents surging through the coil of the transformer a very small direct current flowing through a coil on the latter will vary or modulate very large oscillating currents surging through the former. Operation of the Vacuum Tube as a Modulator.

Replacing the microphone, he turned to Tom. "Stupid fool!" he snorted. "He should've fired another torpedo and wiped us out. What's the matter with him?" Connel abhorred stupidity, even in an adversary. "Maybe he thinks we've already had it," suggested Astro. "With our stern blasted away, he might figure all the air's gone out of the ship." "Let's hope he keeps on figuring that way," said Connel.

Your rays could burn through the maximum power of my web in three seconds, as you say: I know it as well as you. I only wish there was a chance to get out of your range in time." "All right!" the Venusian replied decisively. "I agree. I'll release Leithgow and the five patients. Keep away from the controls and I'll draw you in." Carse switched off the microphone.

There were no great mountains on Venus, for this world had known no such violent upheaval as the making of a moon. The men were lost in thought, each intent on his own ideas. At length Wade stood up, and walked slowly back to the power room. Suddenly the men in the control room heard his call: "Arcot quick the microphone and rise a mile!"

Babs' voice came from the side of the saloon where she sat at a vision-tube and microphone. She was saying professionally: "I assure you it's true. We are linked to you by the Dabney field, in which radiation travels much faster than light. When you were a little boy didn't you ever put a string between two tin cans, and then talk along the string?" Cochrane stopped beside her scowling.

"In spite of our care, it developed that we did have a hidden microphone picking up all conversation and relaying it to the enemy group. I can only say in our own defense that it was the kind of 'bug' we couldn't have found without tearing the building apart." "It's nearly impossible to take all modern electronic developments into account," Julius Weiss said.

He turned away from the microphone. Sanford said sharply, "Go on! Tell them what a hero you are!" "I'm going to help unload my ship," Joe said shortly. "You report what you please." "Get back at that transmitter!" shouted Sanford furiously. "Tell 'em you're a hero! Tell 'em you're wonderful! I'll tell 'em how useless it is!"

"This is Corbett on the Space Lance. Go ahead." Strong took the microphone. "This is Captain Strong," he called. "How was your blast-off, Tom?" "Smooth as silk, sir," replied the young cadet. "Wild Bill sends his greetings and says he'll take a three-inch steak instead of flowers when he wins." "Tell him it's a deal." Strong laughed. "End transmission." "See you on Titan, sir," said Tom.