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Connel took the small needlelike microphone in his hand and spoke into it as the reel of sound tape unwound slowly. "This is a preliminary inquiry into the sabotage of the control deck of spaceship XX, Operation Space Projectile," he said. "This is Major Lou Connel, interrogator!" He paused and nodded to Barret who stepped forward. "My first witness will be Dave Barret."

This latter device may be either a telephone induction coil, a microphone transformer, or a magnetic modulator; the first two of these devices step-up the voltage of the battery current and the amplified voltage thus developed is impressed on the oscillations that surge through the closed oscillation circuit or the aerial wire system according to the place where you connect it.

He got out of bed and walked across the room. Flipping a picture of Hitler aside, he exposed the microphone in the wall. Hans rolled his eyes and clicked his heels. "Heil Hitler!" he almost shouted. "Tomorrow you will get out of bed and be down in the yard by seven." Stan grinned. He reached up and disconnected the wire leading to the instrument. "They listen all the time," Hans said.

Where the oscillation current in the aerial wire is small the transmitter can be connected directly in series with the latter when the former will surge through it. As you speak into the microphone transmitter its resistance is varied and the current strength of the oscillations is varied accordingly. The Operation of Wireless Telephone Transmitters with Direct Current Long Distance Transmitters.

A drawback is that the ribbon can be blown out of the magnetic gap by sudden puffs of air when a speaker gets too close to the microphone, so the casing is lined with several layers of chiffon which let in the sounds but not the air. Without its base the ribbon microphone weighs 4 kilograms, nearly 9 lbs.

When he switched to receive all he heard was static. There was always a chance the set was broken. He quickly twisted the transmitter to the frequency of his personal radio, then whistled in the microphone. The received signal was so loud that it hurt his ears. He tried to call Hys again, and was relieved to get a response this time. "Brion Brandd here. Can you read me?

The microphone, built right into the little unit, was very sensitive and Rick's thin jacket did not muffle it very much. "I'm fine," Jerry said. Rick grinned. Scotty could hear both sides of the conversation through his own set. Now he broke in. "Any sign of activity yet?" "Cap'n Mike is fishing right near the houseboat.

As Roger's voice roared over the intercom loud-speaker of the speedy rocket scout, down on the power deck Astro's face turned red. "Manning," he growled into the intercom microphone, "if I didn't need you to get me back to Mother Earth, I'd come up there and take you apart!"

He made certain she was not in the ship. He flipped the outside-speaker switch and said curtly into the microphone, "Coffee! Murgatroyd and I are having coffee. Will you come back, please?" He repeated the call, and repeated it again. Multiplied as his voice was by the speakers, she should hear him within a mile. She did not appear. He went to a small and inconspicuous closet and armed himself.

There can be no doubt that in the science of physiology, in the art of surgery, and in many other walks of life, the microphone has proved a valuable aid. Professor Hughes communicated his results to the Royal Society in the early part of 1878, and generously gave the microphone to the world. For his own sake it would perhaps have been better had he patented and thus protected it, for Mr.