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And Warner the greatest man the Handlooms ever turned out." "Ay, ay," said Devilsdust; "but they have each of them had a year and a half, and that cools blood." "Besides," said Mick, "they are too old; and Stephen Morley has got round them, preaching moral force and all that sort of gammon." "I never heard that moral force won the battle of Waterloo," said Devilsdust.

Mick looked `nine ways for Sunday, to use his own favourite expression. "Bedad, sor," he at length replied sheepishly, "it's Jenny, sor." "But," persisted Mr Blockley, smelling a rat, "who's Jenny?" "Tom's sisther, sure." "O-o-oh!" Not being certain exactly as to the meaning of Mr Blockley's ejaculation, Mick went on to explain further.

Mick stood near the tree waiting to brand and cut, and with him were Fiddle-head and Jack Johnson for the front and back leg ropes, and Eagle to keep the brands hot and hand them when required. Poona and Uncle were each armed with a long pliant bull-hide lasso, and the two white boys and Calcoo rode round the cattle, keeping them well bunched up.

Shortly before we went out he admitted that we were as good as any cavalry regiment in the Army, but characteristically added "but don't tell the !" A very effective combination were the Colonel and Mick, and if we didn't love them much at the time we realise now how much we owe them.

They could have stayed longer if they had wanted to do so, for Dan Collins, the Sidcotinga manager, had told Mick of a well not more than six miles away to the north, and the black boys drove the horses there every day and also renewed the supply of water in the canteens. It was evidently from this well that the fierce Musgrave niggers who had attacked them had obtained water.

Then, it was put a slop to, so far as the particular incident was concerned, in a twinkle. Not being in uniform, I kept aloof from these mad pranks, sticking close to Mick Donovan, who I saw was ashamed of his ragged clothes, being afraid of the boys jeering him, like Larrikins.

'Then defend yourself like a man, curse you! cried Mick again. 'Mysie, lead this poor victim away Redmond and Fagan will see fair play between us. 'Well now I don't give me time I'm puzzled I I don't know which way to look. 'Like the donkey betwixt the two bundles of hay, said Mr. Fagan drily, 'and there's pretty pickings on either side.

I thought Mick Donovan would have died of laughing on hearing the cockatoo speak so funnily, his mirth being so contagious that we all followed suit; and, what with the screeching and screaming of the other birds, which seemed to take `Ally Sloper's' cry for a signal and chimed in, you never heard such a row in your life.

As often as Mick Walker went away in the course of that forenoon, I mingled my tears with the water in which I was washing the bottles; and sobbed as if there were a flaw in my own breast, and it were in danger of bursting. The counting-house clock was at half past twelve, and there was general preparation for going to dinner, when Mr.

My uncle was very much pleased when he heard of my gallantry; my cousin Nora brought brown paper and vinegar for my nose, and I went home that night with a pint of claret under my girdle, not a little proud, let me tell you, at having held my own against Mick so long.