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Hist. des Croisades, i. 468-471. These extracts convey a fair idea of M. Michaud's power of description and merits as an historian. He cannot be said to be one of the highest class. He does not belong to the school who aim at elevating history to its loftiest pitch. The antiquarian school never have, and never will do so.

When the general returned to the salon there were such signs of emotion upon his face that his wife asked him, anxiously, what news he had just heard. "Dear wife," he said, "I don't want to frighten you, and yet it is right you should know that Michaud's death was intended as a warning for us to leave this part of the country."

Seeing that there was no more probability of fighting on his side, Cuthbert returned to Madame Michaud's. "Madame is on the roof," Margot said as he entered; "everyone is up there: she said I was to give you breakfast when you came in; the coffee is ready, and I have an omelette prepared, it will be cooked in three minutes; Madame said that you would be sure to be hungry after being out so long."

Upon the fall of Issy being known, Cuthbert considered the end to be so near that it would be better for him to take up his abode permanently at Madame Michaud's. She had been pressing him to do so for some time, as she and her husband thought that the presence of an English gentleman there would conduce to their safety when the troops entered Paris.

"It was Michaud's testimony which got her that." One Saturday evening, Courtecuisse, Bonnebault, Godain, Tonsard, his daughters, wife, and Pere Fourchon, also Vaudoyer and several mechanics were supping at the tavern. The moon was at half-full, the first snow had melted, and frost had just stiffened the ground so that a man's step left no traces.

"Uncomfortable! nonsense Michaud's customers don't know the meaning of the word." "But he has not made me a single pocket!" "And what of that? Do you suppose the great Michaud would spoil the fit of a masterpiece for your convenience?" "What am I to do with my pocket-handkerchief?" "Michaud's customers never need pocket-handkerchiefs." "And then my trousers..."

"If I'm doomed to be a soldier I'd rather the sawdust of the basket sucked up my blood than have it dribbled out drop by drop in the battles. I'll deliver this country of at least one of those Arminacs that the devil has launched upon us." And he related what he called Michaud's plot against him, which Marie and Bonnebault had overheard.

Mentioning Baton Rouge reminds me of my dear dog that was there almost a year with the hospital steward. He is now with the company at Mount Ver-non Barracks, Alabama, and Faye has telegraphed the sergeant to see that he is taken to Pittsburg with the company. We are going out now, first of all to Michaud's for some of his delicious biscuit glace!

If I am killed I wish her to go over to America and live as mistress of my place there, therefore, I shall place in your hands an official copy of the register of our marriage. Where will she be able to find you after all this is over?" Cuthbert gave his address at Madame Michaud's.

While this orgy was going on Michaud's household was in a scene of mortal anxiety. Olympe had felt false pains, and her husband, thinking she was about to be delivered, rode off instantly in haste for the doctor.