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Gentle and gracious in the same measure in which his father was hard and unyielding, Micah Joseph Lebensohn was the only writer of the time to enjoy the advantage of a complete modern education, and the only one of his generation to escape cruel want and the struggle for personal freedom. He knew German literature thoroughly, and he had taken a course in philosophy at Berlin, under Schelling.

What if God be about to chasten thee thus for thy former negligence, security, and unwatchfulness, and giving too much advantage to those lusts, which now, after his awakening of thee, thou would be delivered from? Should thou not bear the indignation of the Lord, because thou hast sinned against him, as the Church resolved to do, Micah vii. 9?

She only colored up awfully and sed, in a fluttered kinder way, 'what condition, Micah? 'Pon condition that you'd merry me, Jinny. You may believe that arter I sed that, my heart stood still, better'n a minit.

Micah did not show himself worthy of the wonder done for him. Even before the Israelites left Egypt, he made his idol, and it was he who fashioned the golden calf. At the time of Othniel the judge, he took up his abode at a distance of not more than three miles from the sanctuary at Shiloh, and won over the grandson of Moses to officiate as priest before his idol.

They scaled the hill, cut by the gorge, approaching, cautiously, its brow, overlooking the deer haunt. But they could perceive no trace of the herd. "It's abeout as I expected", said Micah, "them two little hinds we skeered, gin the alarm to the rest on 'em and they've all skulked off to some covit or ruther.

Micah Davis was a Yankee, as he proudly told Bob, "born and raised in New Hampshire," and his shrewd common sense and dry humor stood him in good stead in the rather lawless environment of Chassada. He was well acquainted with the unlovely characteristics of the five who had chased Bob, and when he heard the whole story he promised to look up the Chinaman and see what he could do for him.

Even the prophet Micah says: "For all the peoples will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God for ever and ever." The later prophets gained the larger conception of universality; they believed that there was but one supreme God, and therefore but one religion, to the acceptance of which all mankind would at last be brought.

The groceryman crossed the floor and took the vacant seat at her right. There was no one within earshot. "Don't you be scared, Miss," he said quietly. "I'm Micah Davis, and I just want to tell you that everything's all right with that Bob boy. I've got him out here in a box, and when the train comes he's a-going to hop on board before you can say Jack Robinson." "Oh, you dear!"

That great numbers were thus sacrificed is only too apparent from the accounts in the Jewish scriptures Abraham's acts and those of Jephtha being examples of the manner in which this god was propitiated. In Micah, vi. chap., 7th verse, occurs an interrogation which furnishes something more than a hint of the practice among the Jews of child sacrifice.

"Well, ye see", said Micah, "I can't be gone from hum, no longer neow, any heow. Next week, I'll try it with ye agin, if ye say so". John acceded reluctantly to the arrangement, though his disappointment was somewhat mitigated by the prospect of another similar excursion.