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Their religion has helped them in their struggle for the mastery. There are many unpleasant episodes in history. Spiritual wealth, like material wealth, is often predatory. A man of Mt. Ephraim named Micah had engaged a young Levite from Bethlehem-Judah as his spiritual adviser. He promised him a modest salary, ten shekels of silver annually, and a suit of clothes, and his board.

The eighth and seventh centuries before Christ which brought to the Hebrews great crises and revolutionary changes in both their political and religious life, witnessed the epoch-making work of Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah.

I put case, the pronouncing and ministering of the law be decayed in priests, and good counsel fail in the elders, and, as the prophet Micah saith, "The night be unto them instead of a vision, and darkness instead of prophesying:" or, as Esaias saith, "What if all the watchmen of the city are become blind?"

'Why, bless you, master Micah, a man with a frame like yours wants store o' good malt to keep it up wi'. 'And malt like this is worthy of a good frame to contain it, quoth Reuben, who was at work among the flasks. 'What think ye, Micah? said the landlord.

"Twant much of a chore, any heow", said Micah. "I never could stan' by and see any critter put upon by another he'd done no harm to, and I never will". As they returned to the hotel, Mr. Dubois remarked that this journey to the Capital, after all, might not be without good results. "You made", he said to Mr.

He was not courtly in his reception of strangers. The missionary, however, had dealt with several varieties of the human animal before, and was by no means disturbed at this nonchalance. "I believe you are from the States, as well as myself, Mr. Mummychog", said he, after a short silence. "I'm from the Kennebec River", said Micah, laconically.

I started to go, as he wished, but happened to think I would just step back and look at the sweet face once more. When I opened the door, Micah was bending over it, with his eyes full of tears. When I asked, what is the matter, Micah? he said he was thinking of a little sister of his that was drowned just so in the Kennebec River, many years ago". "That showed some feeling, certainly", said Mrs.

Wash you, make you clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes: Cease to do evil; learn to do well: Seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, Judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Micah voices the questions that men raised in his day, answering them with the new thought: Wherewithal shall I come before the Lord, And bow myself before the high God?

But genealogies for or against Messiahship seemed to me a mean argument; and the fact of the prophets demanding a carnal descent in Messiah struck me as a worse objection than that Jesus had not got it, if this could be ever proved. The Messiah of Micah, however, was not Jesus; for he was to deliver Israel from the Assyrians, and his whole description is literally warlike.

"I ain't a ghost, and I haven't nothing to say to the wife of Micah Jones. As to the baby, let me look at it. You're a very bad young lady, Miss Flower, but I has come to fetch away the baby, ef you please, so let me look at it this minute. Oh, my, how my legs do ache; that moor is heavy walking! Give me the baby, please, Miss Flower. It ain't your baby, it's Miss Polly's."