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The governor was shortly after superseded, for what cause was not certainly known; but many people, both Mussulmans and Christians, believed it was in consequence of his ill treatment of Messrs. Fisk and Bird. Mr. Damiani, son of the English Consul at Jaffa, had come to Jerusalem on their behalf, with a letter from his father to the governor.

This is now preserved in the British Museum, and before describing it we may briefly refer to another phase of the excavations at Sherghat. An early independent King of Assyria, who reigned about B.C. 1350. Photograph by Messrs. Mansell & Co. The mounds of Sherghat rise a considerable height above the level of the plain, and are to a great extent of natural and not of artificial formation.

One had read I think I can remember the books in the order in which they were borrowed 'Thelma, 'Under Two Flags, 'David Copperfield, 'The Story of an African Farm, 'A Study in Scarlet, 'The Sign of the Four, 'The Prisoner of Zenda, 'The Dolly Dialogues, 'The Yellow Aster, 'The Superfluous Woman, and 'Ideala. This is a fair sample of the other seven. Not so, however, with Messrs.

I am dear sir no longer; folks are only dear to Messrs. Goldiebirds in preference to yours, and had written to you in an unbecoming manner. I beg to make my most humble apology, as well as Mr. I am sorry to find, from an interview I had this day with Mr. Wardour, that he is much irritated, and, I must own, with apparent reason. I have only to add, that Mr.

It may be asked, who is the man who obtrudes his opinions on the colony unasked, and what can be his motives? As I am not aware that I know a single person in Tasmania, I cannot refer to anyone there; but I happen to know one or two gentlemen in Melbourne, and if you will take the trouble to refer there to Messrs.

In America The Adventurer of the North was broken up into two volumes at the urgent request of my then publishers, Messrs. Stone & Kimball, who had the gift of producing beautiful books, but perhaps had not the same gift of business. These two American volumes succeeding Pierre were published under the title of An Adventurer of the North and A Romany of the Snows respectively.

Messrs Gelid and Wagtail had, on second thoughts, it seems, hauled their wind to lay in a stock of turtle at Crooked Island, and I went ashore with them, and assisted in the selection from the turtle crawls filled with beautiful clear water, and lots of fine lively fresh caught fish, the postmaster being the turtle merchant.

Denham, Crumps, and Company were economical in their tendencies, and deemed barometers superfluous. Of course, being acute men of business, they took every "needful" precaution, and being men of experience, they were not blind to the fact that many vessels were annually lost; they therefore insured schooner and cargo to their full value. Having done so, Messrs.

I have therefore been obliged to return to the excellent Martinez his little list, with the remark that I should hold HIM personally responsible if any of you are molested. There is, however, no danger. Messrs. Banks and Crosby are with the other Americans, whom we have guaranteed to protect, at the Mission, in the care of your friend the Padre. You are surprised! Equally so was the Padre.

The latter described the making of Bessemer rails, the product which above all was to absorb the Bessemer plants in America after 1865. After the meeting, the engineers visited Bessemer's works; and later it was reported, "at Messrs. John Brown and Company's works, the Bessemer process was repeated on a still larger scale and a heavy armor plate rolled in the presence of some 250 visitors...."