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He taketh the shield from his neck and holdeth it to him. "Sir," saith he, "Take the shield that belonged to the best knight that was in his time of his faith, for none know I of whom it shall be better employed than of you. And of this shield were vanquished all they that be in prison in this castle." Messire Gawain taketh the shield that was right fair and rich.

And when Marin seeth him coming, he avoideth his buffet and lowereth his spear and cometh to his wife that was right sore distraught, and wept as she that suffered blameless, and smote her through, out the body and slew her, and then turneth him again so fast as his horse might carry him toward his hold. Messire Gawain seeth the damsel dead and the dwarf that fleeth full speed after his lord.

I want thee in Garthlaxton there be gibbets for thee above the keep also, there are my hounds aye, I want thee, Messire Beltane who art Duke of Pentavalon! Ho! Arnulf a halter for his ducal throat!"

A great murmuring ariseth amongst the knights in the hall, and the most part say plainly that they never heard tell of none that slew knights in such cruel sort, nor so many as did he; and that neither Messire Gawain nor Lancelot ought to be blamed for that they went not thither, for no knight in the world might conquer such a man and our Lord God did not, for he casteth forth fire and flame from his shield whensoever him listeth.

But they give Lancelot joy of that he hath rescued Messire Ywain li Aoutres, and were so somewhat comforted and made great cheer. The tidings thereof came to the knights that were in the castle, and they all come forward to meet him save they that were wounded, and so led him up to the castle, and Messire Ywain with him and the other knight that was wounded.

It was a very angular and very lively little mass, imprisoned in its linen sack, stamped with the cipher of Messire Guillaume Chartier, then bishop of Paris, with a head projecting. That head was deformed enough; one beheld only a forest of red hair, one eye, a mouth, and teeth. The eye wept, the mouth cried, and the teeth seemed to ask only to be allowed to bite.

I never spoke to a knight, and very seldom to a baronet. Firkins, my butterman, was a knight a knight and alderman. Wales knighted him once on going into the City." "I am not surprised that the gentleman should not understand Messire Eustace of St. Peter's," said the ghostly individual addressed as Mr. Sterne. "Your reading doubtless has not been very extensive?"

Then Beltane did on coif and bascinet and rose to his feet, whereat the Bailiff cried out in sudden fear and knelt with hands upraised: "Slay me not, my lord! O messire Beltane, spare my life nor think I will betray thee, outlaw though thou art!" "Fear not, sir Bailiff," answered Beltane, "thy life is safe from me.

"Neither, youth: 'tis for thy youth's sake, for, though thou hast angered me full oft, art but a very youth " "Gramercy for my so much youthfulness, my lord. Methinks I shall be full long a-growing old " "Heed me, sir knight, 'tis a fell place this, where direful beasts do raven " "Nathless, messire, my youthfulness is but where it would be " "Aye, forsooth, and there it is!

Never, please God, shall you go forth of my court denied of that you ask." Lucan the Butler taketh her between his arms and setteth her to the ground, and her mule is led away to be stabled. When the damsel had washen, she was set in a seat beside Messire Ywain, that showed her much honour and served her with a good will.