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"If you really think so, monsieur," said the beauty, "lend me the squib which was written against the Messieurs de Guise; I know it was lent to you." "It is no longer in my possession," replied the secretary, turning round to bow to the Duchesse de Guise. "I have it," said the Comte de Grammont to Mademoiselle Davila, "but I will give it you on one condition only."

He has set bad example among the prisoners, assaulted his keeper, and loaded the Provisional Government with opprobrium. I may say to you, Messieurs, however, that I have really nothing to do with the man's case. In this time of tumult, when the operation of all laws is suspended, the Court-Martial is the only tribunal to which serious offenders can be referred.

He, in return, bowed very gravely and without a smile. The table in front of her was cleared now. People were beginning to consider their next coup. The voice of the croupier, with his parrot-like cry, travelled down the board. "Faites vos jeux, mesdames et messieurs." The woman made no effort to stake.

I heard her making a great speech! 'She is a firebrand, laughed Giovanni, 'and a good patriot as well! She ought to be in Parliament. 'You are a feminist, I perceive, answered Madame Bernard. 'But Joan of Arc would be in the Chambers if she could come back to this world. The people would elect her, she would present herself in the tribune, and she would say, "Aha, messieurs! Here I am!

Messieurs Dubois and Loyseau conducted near his residence an institution which he often visited, especially preferring to be present at the classes in experimental physics; and the questions which he propounded by means of his interpreter evinced on his part a very extensive knowledge of the phenomena of electricity.

Messieurs de Vergennes and Turgot, bearing but little good-will to the Duc de Guines, who was the friend of the Duc de Choiseul, were not disposed to render the ambassador any service. The Queen succeeded in fixing the King's particular attention on this affair, and the innocence of the Duc de Guines triumphed through the equity of Louis XVI.

He has seen us meet here!" "Ah!" said the Baron in a hoarse voice, "I said so. To meet openly like this was far too great a risk. Nobody knew anything of Lenard et Morellet of the Boulevard des Capucines except that they were unimportant financiers. To-morrow the world will know who they really are. Messieurs, we are the victims of a very clever ruse.

Having occasion to go down into the court, he heard what the people had done with Law's carriage, and, upon returning to the Salon, he said with great gravity: "Messieurs, bonne nouvelle, Le carrosse de Law est en canelle." Is not this a becoming jest for such serious personages?

There is chambertin, champagne, chablis, tokayer and sherry." "Bring us some chambertin, then." "Oui, Messieurs." "Hurry along, my Hebe," said Maurice. The maid was not on familiar terms with the classics, but she told the butler in the pantry that the smooth-faced one made a charming Captain. "Keep your eyes open," grumbled the butler; "he'll be kissing you next."

One of them told me," the speaker now turned his gaze half toward Marie "not an hour ago that their first business would be to settle affairs with Messieurs Mair and Scott, whom they declare are enemies of Red River, and spies of the Canadian government.