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This hall communicated with the apartments, and could seat about two hundred persons. It was erected as if by magic, and was opened, while awaiting the arrival of the French troupe, with two or three representations given by the Italian comedians of the King of Saxony. The actors from Paris were: For tragedy, Messieurs Saint-Prix and Talma and Mademoiselle Georges.

Ah, I remember it now it was the link which was wanting, and you have supplied it Holladay, a millionaire of America, his wife, Madame Alix she did not live in the villa, then, messieurs. Oh, no; she was very poor, a nurse anything to make a little money; her husband, who was a fisherman, was drowned, and left her to take care of the children as best she could. Ah, I remember one a mere baby!"

With the aid of the Frenchman himself and his men the aeroplane was carefully dragged out into the open. "It is done. Adieu, messieurs," said Monsieur de Montausé. Then, turning to his men: "As for you, imbeciles, I have no more need of you at present. Go and eat your supper. I shall eat nothing until I have deciphered the whole of the inscription."

Pigott only. I saw a card on the table "Received from Messieurs Fox & Co. 1,500 guineas." Pigott, I believe, was the chief loser. At Devonshire House there had been a bank held by Sir W. Aston and Grady, and that won 700.

During the next hour he gave us a long and exhaustive exposition of the changes wrought by ces messieurs qui nient le bon Dieu. Among their crimes was to be numbered that of having disintegrated the morale of the peasantry. They the peasants no longer believed in miracles, and as for sorcery, for the good old superstitions, bah: they were looked upon as old wives' tales.

The three Princesses, the two brothers of the King, and Messieurs Campan, father and son, were the sole performers, but they endeavoured to keep this amusement as secret as an affair of State; they dreaded the censure of Mesdames, and they had no doubt that Louis XV. would forbid such pastimes if he knew of them.

As the croupier pushed the notes and gold across the table, a beautiful white hand, blazing with rings, thrust it proudly back again. "That is all I wanted," the actress said, with the air of Lady Macbeth. "The acknowledgment that I was right. Keep the money." The croupier shrugged his shoulders, and spun the wheel, with a bored air. "Faites vos jeux, Messieurs."

As it is not likely that I should ever come to terms with your favourites, I shall never be anything else to you but a cousin, and I shall endeavour not to die until the proper time; that is, when it shall please God to take me. You can repeat this speech, word for word, to your precious Marquis d'Effiat and Messieurs de Remecourt and de Lorraine.

"Mais, Messieurs," querulously recommenced the unhappy Margot. "Hold your tongue," exclaimed Madame Laurent, "you have been disgracing my house." "Mais, Madame, ecoutez-moi " "No, no," cried the German, "we saw you we saw you." "Mais, Monsieur Le Comte " "Fie, fie!" cried the Frenchman.

Messieurs Sharpe and Fowler had left the night before in the persuasion that I was a liar of the first magnitude; the genial belief brought them aboard again with the earliest opportunity, proffering help to one who had proved how little he required it, and hospitality to so respectable a character.