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It is evident, therefore, that Moses was a divine Shepherd, for He gathered the tribes of Israel together and united them in the power and strength of a great nationhood. When the Messianic star of Jesus Christ dawned, He declared He had come to gather together the lost tribes or scattered sheep of Moses.

Should they insist on returning to Palestine, the Poles will assist them in realizing this consummation. Similar utterances could be heard a little later in the mystic circle of Tovyanski and Mitzkevitch in Paris, in which the historic destiny of the two martyr nations, the Poles and the Jews, and their universal Messianic calling were favorite topics of discussion.

This disastrous spring will lose its force only in the Messianic time when God will cause it to dry up.

For this reason it is a great pity that scholars, who personally, of course, know better, constantly use so misleading a term as the Messianic Age. It would be far better if it were described as the "Golden Age" or the "good time." This whole conception of the coming Golden Age was in essence peculiarly Jewish, though parallels can be found in the religion of all nations.

They must have been the victims rather than the exciters of the messianic tumults for such they are conjectured to have been which led to the expulsion of the Jews from Rome by the futile edict of Claudius.

This confession of the limitation of his knowledge is conclusive. Yet it is not isolated. With his undoubted power to read "what was in man," he was not independent of ordinary ways of learning facts. The supernatural knowledge of Jesus, so far as its exercise is apparent in the gospels, was concerned with the truths intimately related to his religious teaching or his Messianic work.

The significance of the change lies in this. The Messianic idea now means to many Jews a belief in human development and progress, with the Jews filling the role of the Messianic people, but only as primus inter pares. It is the expression of a genuine optimism. 'Character, no less than Career, said George Eliot, 'is a process and an unfolding. So with the Character of mankind as a whole.

The same thing may be observed in the development of Judaism during the Babylonish captivity, in the biblical and messianic doctrines which were grafted on pagan beliefs, and in the teaching of Islam, as it was adopted in the East and among the black races of Africa.

The Kingdom was come. The Messianic Era had begun. How long, O Lord, how long? That desolate cry of the centuries would be heard no more. While Israel was dispersed and the world full of sin, the higher and lower worlds had been parted, and the four letters of God's name had been dissevered, not to be pronounced in unison.

In Galicia, it gave birth, in the domain of philosophy, to the ideal of the "mission of the Jewish people", and to the "science of Judaism." But for the great mass of the Jews remaining faithful to the Messianic ideal, what was of greatest significance was the national and religious romanticism expounded by Samuel David Luzzatto.