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I had hoped that you'd go through it with me, for it's going to be a mighty dirty mess to clean up. But if you persist in believing Father's story instead of mine " "I do believe you, too! But can't there be some mistake?" "If there had been the slightest chance I should have discovered it before now, but there isn't. It is God's truth.

The officers' quarters are built higher up on a wind-swept slope overlooking the bay, where it curves around the point of the island, and while these houses are picturesque from the outside, they are roughly finished within, the "banquet-hall," as they dignified the mess, being especially al fresco.

We put into Spezia, and he came out to see the Admiral got despatches for him, I think. He seems as gay as ever. He lunched at mess, and said how sorry he was you'd deserted Leghorn." "I haven't exactly deserted it," I said. "But I really don't love it like he does." "No. A year or two of the Mediterranean blue is quite sufficient to last any fellow his lifetime.

When I told him that the Labonga were in a devil of a mess, he would look at me with an empty face and change the subject; but once among the Turcomans his eye would kindle, and he would slave at his confounded folly with sufficient energy to reform the whole East Coast. It was the spark that kept the man alive.

He glanced back toward the rocket that still pointed skyward back on the field, and then forward toward the city of Marsport, sprawling out in a mess of slums beyond the edges of the dome that had been built to hold air over the central part. And at last he stirred and reached for the yellow stub.

"Oh Lord," said Spinks, "what an orful mess I'm in!" He said it to himself; for he had resolved to talk no longer to Miss Roots. He could have borne it better had not the terrible preoccupation of Rickman thrown Flossie on his hands. In common decency he had to talk to her at the dinner-table. Soper, and the painful sympathy of the other boarders.

Of course, on the road home, I wouldn't have cared much, because all the fun was over by then; and the girls would consider it something of a joke for us to bump along on a flat tire. But I see the old flivver in by the barn, so you did manage to get it home after all, eh, Thad?" "Oh! yes, though I made a beastly mess of my tire-mending, I'm afraid.

Unless, of course, it was merely that Arthur was afraid of the effects of the shock and so on, on Jane's health, because she had a baby coming. But somehow that didn't really meet the situation. I remembered Arthur's voice when he said, 'There's more to it than you know.... It is a mess. A ghastly mess.

There are some things I want to talk over with you. I'm working now to obtain the rights to that little beauty from the Spanish you gave me to read. I'm going to produce after this war mess slows down. It is the exquisite kind of thing I'd expect you to find." "I didn't. Zoe read it to me one evening. She was the one to see its possibilities." "It's spring, Lilly, and I want you to see the place.

Then he heard a voice. It sounded vexed. Quite incredibly, it was talking English. "But my dear young lady!" it said severely. "You simply mustn't go on! There's the very devil of a mess turning up, and you mustn't run into it!" A girl's voice answered, also in English. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about!" "I'm afraid I can't explain. But, truly, you mustn't go on to the village!"