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The snow had ceased falling; but a crisp north wind skimmed the drifts and powdered her dark habit. Twice she pulled out her watch; but the coach was up to time in spite of the heavy roads; and as it topped the rise she reined Mercury to the right-about and cantered back to await it.

On Coronation Day the Prefect of Police had distributed a poem entitled The Crown of Napoleon brought from Olympus command of Jupiter: "Mounting one of the coursers of the proud Bellona, Mercury brings a crown from Olympus; The king of the gods sends it to the hero of the French As the reward of his success.

It is then squeezed through chamois leather, or good calico will do as well, and retorted in a large iron retort, the nozzle of which is kept in water so as to convert the mercury vapour again to the metallic form. The result is a spongy cake of gold, which is either sold as "retorted" gold or smelted into bars.

"The great heat in the planet Mercury is no argument against its being inhabited; since the Almighty could as easily suit the bodies and constitutions of its inhabitants to the heat of their dwelling, as he has done ours to the temperature of our earth.

The inapplicability of the method of simple observation to ascertain the conditions of effects dependent on many concurring causes, being thus recognized, we shall next inquire whether any greater benefit can be expected from the other branch of the a posteriori method, that which proceeds by directly trying different combinations of causes, either artificially produced or found in nature, and taking notice what is their effect; as, for example, by actually trying the effect of mercury in as many different circumstances as possible.

Further, the same instrument, since varying electro-motive force affected the drop of mercury and produced varying displacement, ought also to act as a receiving instrument, and should vibrate in accordance with the currents that arrive.

Shank, of Paisley, has lately introduced a form of steam gauge like a thermometer, with a flattened bulb; and the pressure of the steam, by compressing the bulb, causes the mercury to rise to a point proportional to the pressure applied.

In speaking of the above, reference is had to baths to the ordinary heights used by operators. We will now proceed to examine the effect produced by mercurial vapor upon the plate at different lengths of exposure. In some investigations which I have made upon the appearance of the Daguerreotype impressions when developed over mercury at 90 deg.

He thought her request rather extraordinary, but he sat up and with the aid of the mirror, scraped away at his wet hair, parting it in the middle and combing it deftly into two gay little Mercury wings. Then, fishing in the soaked pockets of his knickerbockers, he produced a pair of smart pince-nez, which he put on, and then gazed up at her.

When, after a rather long continuance of fine weather, the barometer begins to fall in a sudden and continuous manner, rain will certainly fall; but, if the fine weather has had a long duration, the mercury may fall two or three days in the tube of the barometer before any change in the state of the atmosphere may be perceived.