United States or Jamaica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is well known that the French government employed Beaumarchais, the author of the "Barber of Seville," as their agent to furnish secret supplies to the American insurgents, and that Beaumarchais imagined a firm, Rodrigue Hortalez & Co., who shipped to the United Colonies munitions of war furnished by the King, and were to receive return cargoes of tobacco, to keep up mercantile appearances.

With his mercantile cronies he had canvassed the question whether the queer, evidently distorted name could have been "Peatley" or "Patey" or "Petrie," for the Cherokees always substituted "Q" for "P," as the latter letter they could not pronounce, and after this transient consideration the matter would drop.

Of the latter they would probably say, "Kto ikh znact?" Some marks of Imperial favour the old-fashioned merchants strive to obtain for themselves. They do not dream of grand cordons that is far beyond their most sanguine expectations but they do all in their power to obtain those lesser decorations which are granted to the mercantile class.

Polglaze nodded again, and sat looking at Vandeloup like a stony mercantile sphinx. 'If you will, then, buy me these shares, said Vandeloup, rising, and taking up his gloves and hat, 'when am I to come along and see you? 'Four, said Polglaze. Today? inquired Vandeloup. A nod from the stockbroker. 'Very well, said Vandeloup, quietly, 'I'll give you a cheque for the amount, then.

"We go out on Hester street. It is a narrow, dirty, filthy street. It is the early morning five o'clock. We had spent nearly five hours in the den. The air was reeking with the filthy odors of the night, but it was refreshing compared with the atmosphere we had left. "We get in our carriage to go home. "Three or four blocks up-town we pass Cooper Institute and the old Mercantile Library.

Popanilla was charmed with the proposition, but blushingly informed the mercantile Maecenas that he did not know how to write.

And, to judge by his evident familiarity with Tonti's beautiful scheme of mercantile records, he certainly those guessed whose books he had extricated from confusion had handled money and money values in days before his unexplained coming to New Orleans.

For eight long years he had struggled and labored; changing his occupation several times, but always living in the city; always making his home in a boardinghouse or a hotel. His pluck and energy had had its reward, and for the past three years he had held a responsible and well-paid position in a mercantile house.

He told Madame de Cintre a hundred long stories; he explained to her, in talking of the United States, the working of various local institutions and mercantile customs. Judging by the sequel she was interested, but one would not have been sure of it beforehand.

The feudal code has, through centuries, bred a high type of men, and constituted a caste. The mercantile code has not yet done so, but the wealthy class has attempted to merge itself in or to imitate the feudal class. The consequence is, that the wealth-power has been developed, while the moral and social sanctions by which that power ought to be controlled have not yet been developed.