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But we now adaies, doe not use them to other purpose, then to give theim more wages, then to other menne, and to cause that thei dooe some particulare feate: The very same happeneth of the Ansigne bearers, for that thei are kept rather to make a faire muster, then for any other warlike use: but the antiquitie used theim for guides, and to bryng theim selves againe into order: for that every man, so sone as the Ansigne stoode still, knewe the place, that he kept nere to his Ansigne, wherunto he retourned alwaies: thei knewe also, how that the same movyng, or standyng, thei should staie, or move: therfore it is necessarie in an armie, that there be many bodies, and every bande of menne to have his Ansigne, and his guide: wherfore havyng this, it is mete that thei have stomackes inough, and by consequence life enough.

And when the yere comes about, then do thei thus. And when thei haue strangeled bothe the men and the horses, they bowell the Horses, stuffe their bealies againe with Chaffe, and sowe theim vp close, and sette the menne vppon their backes.

The thousande Veliti, whiche I placed behinde, must departe from thesame place, and devide them selves in the flanckes of the battailes, to the fortificacion of those: and by the open place that thei shal leave, all the carriages and unarmed menne must go out, and place themselves on the backe of the battaile.

COSIMO. Then woulde you prepare a power like to those whiche is in our countrie? FABRICIO. Ye truly, it is so that I would arme them, Captaine them, exercise and order them in a maner, whiche I cannot tell, if you have ordred them so. COSIMO. Then do you praise the keping of order? FABRICIO. Wherefore would you that I should dispraise it? COSIMO. Bicause many wise menne have alwaies blamed it.

"For they were in their pleasant beddes, And soundlie sleeping, when Each door was sudden open broke By six or seven menne! "The menne and women, younge and olde, And eke the girls and boys, All started up in great affright Att the alarming noise. "They then were murthered in their beddes Without shame or remorse; And soon the floors and streets were strew'd With many a bleeding corse.

To ordein an hoost, their must be found menne, armed, ordered, and as well in the small, as in the great orders exercised, to knowe howe to kepe araie, and to incampe, so that after bringing them unto the enemie, either standing or marching, they maie know how to behave themselves valiantly.

In all assemblies and mietinges, feaste, or other: thei praie for their souldiours, and menne of warre.

And within betwixt the sparres, as it ware in the middest ouer the deade, thei set a traie or shallowe trough, where in to thei caste a kinde of stones, that glistereth by fire light. The menne emong the Scithians do not vse to washe them selues.

And concernyng tharmyng them, I would arme them as thei doe at this present, as wel the light horsemen, as the menne of armes: but the light horsemen, I would that thei should be all Crossebowe shuters, with some Harkebutters emong them: the whiche though in the other affaires of warre, thei bee little profitable, thei be for this most profitable, to make afraied the countrie menne, and to drive them from a passage, that were kept of them: bicause a Harkebutter, shall feare them more, then twentie other armed.

"The village soon began to blaze, Which shew'd the horrid sight; But, O, I scarce can beare to tell The mis'ries of that night. "They threw the infants in the fire, The menne they did not spare; But killed all which they could find, Tho' aged or tho' fair. "But some run off to Albany And told the doleful tale; Yett, tho' we gave our chearful aid, It did not much avail.