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He was struck by an absence of that good humour which usually characterises such a gathering. From time to time the doors creaked and bulged inward as the people surged against them, clamouring menacingly for admittance.

The half-breed had worked himself up to a ferocious pitch. His eyes rolled. His wide mouth snarled in the virulence of its speech. His thick neck grew corded, and his huge hands clenched menacingly upon the table. Yet David had no fear. He wanted to laugh, but he knew laughter would be the deadliest of insults to Bateese just now.

He waited for a long time; he heard every quarter strike, and at last, just before the close of the witching hour, he heard the same noise like the rustling of bats, and then she came, he felt the flutter of her white dress, and she stood before him it was indeed the Countess. He presented his pistol at her as he challenged her, but she raised her hand menacingly. "Who are you?" he exclaimed.

Then I should end you, and there'd be another trial; but the lawyer who defended me would not have to cross-examine any witness about your character. It is too well-known, Burlingame. Out with it the pistol!" he added, standing menacingly over the other.

There was not a quiver; heavy night, the deep eternal silence of the earth reigned all around. Then Pierre, having quieted his palpitating heart, drew near. At the sound of his footsteps Guillaume rose menacingly, but he immediately recognised his brother, and did not seem astonished to see him. "Ah! it's you," he said, "you followed me.... I felt that you possessed my secret.

We've got work to do here, though, and we are going to do it." "Are you union men?" "Not so you'd notice it," was the cool reply. "All right. You fellows won't be here long." "Stop us if you can. Now, stand aside!" commanded the stranger menacingly. "Let 'em by, men," cried Morrissy. "Don't touch 'em yet. You just leave it to me. I know a way and a good one, too. You just leave it to me."

In his anger and excitement, he drew a pistol from his breast pocket, and pointed upward, saying menacingly, "Come down at once, you young rascal, or I will fire!" Herbert was startled. He did not believe the pistol to be loaded. Still it might be. "Will you come down?" repeated Abner, fiercely. "Quick, or I fire." Herbert's cheek was pale, but in a resolute voice he answered, "I will not."

She drew him nearer to her and covered his eyes with her hands, so that he had to close them, and then she cast an imploring glance at her husband: "Go, do go." Paul Schlieben went, but he shook his head angrily. "You'll see what your training will make of the boy." He raised his hand menacingly once more: "Boy, I tell you, you'll have to obey."

It was the cudgel that the one-time proud and arrogant Germany held menacingly over the head of the unhappy neutral, and extorted special privilege. At the moment I write, coal is the storm center of controversy that ranges from the Ruhr Valley of Germany to the Welsh fields of Britain and affects the destinies of statesmen and of countries.

At one moment all would be deep black pitchy night, lighted up only by the pale unearthly shimmer of some foaming wave-crest as it rolled menacingly down upon us, gleaming with phosphorescent light; anon the canopy above would be rent asunder by the vivid lightning-flash, and for an instant the vast whirling forms of the torn and shredded clouds would be revealed, with a momentary vision of the writhing, leaping, and storm-driven waters beneath them, illumined by the ghastly glare of the levin-brand, and stricken into sudden rigidity by the rapidity of the flash.