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Evidently the destroyer's crew had been so completely absorbed in their attempt upon the Asama that they had been oblivious to our approach; but now, seeing us bearing menacingly down upon her, her skipper suddenly shifted his helm and would fain have beaten a retreat.

'No, he said, 'I couldn't take it; I couldn't, really. Besides, the fact is, I've come on a very different matter. It's about my sister, St. Ives, and he shook his head menacingly at me. 'You're quite sure? I persisted. 'It's here, at your service up to five hundred pounds, if you like. Well, all right; only remember where it is, when you do want it.

And instantly, like a mechanism of steel and springs balanced on a hair trigger, Sandel was in and out and in again, landing a left to the eyes, a right to the ribs, ducking a counter, dancing lightly away and dancing menacingly back again. He was swift and clever. It was a dazzling exhibition. The house yelled its approbation. But King was not dazzled.

Always after my victories the vision of the Crucified, with the stern reproachful eyes! Am I not the Lord's appointed instrument? What means it? Tell your master that I will have no more of his inventions. They are too diabolical! They imperil my cause! Look again, Sire. Time with his scythe raised menacingly against me. Have a care! But I will not be tricked. Are my troops not brave?

"He is never a traitor who obeys the word of his sovereign," she answered. "But, Princess " "Am I your sovereign, Dumitru?" "My beloved Princess, indeed." "Then obey, Dumitru. Act promptly when I give the word. It shall be soon. Perhaps to-night." All that night the stone, menacingly balanced on the wall above the door, remained in its place.

She gazed at them contemptuously for a moment, and then, shaking her fore finger menacingly, "I leave ye," she said, "I leave ye, but imagine not, that I read not your councils. Me, you cannot deceive. With yourselves only it remains to succeed or to perish. For if ye dare to disobey me, the gods themselves shall not preserve you from my vengeance!"

His brain throbbed and his heart ached, as he endeavored to disentangle the bewildering fancies of his sleep from wakeful reality. He lay with his face to the wall, and the grotesque decorations of the paper assumed ghostly forms, and moved menacingly before his eyes, thrilling him through and through. In a few moments the murmur of voices close at hand aroused him more effectually.

"As much business as you have," said Tom stoutly, for the lad's manner made his blood begin to flow more freely. "No, you 'ain't; you're only a stranger, and just come." "Anybody must have a right to come through here so long as he isn't poaching." The lad gave a sharp look round, and then turned menacingly to Tom, with his fist doubled, and thrust his face forward.

"Oh, ay, we'll find it," replied Margeson, a rough companion, but a good worker. "Go on mates, and take your dogs with you, for they're smelling at the victuals enough to turn a man's stomach. Get out you beast!" and raising his foot he offered to kick Nero, who growled menacingly and showed a formidable set of teeth. "Have a care, man!" cried Browne angrily.

Take that chap outside down with you." "My daughter?" exclaimed the woman helplessly. "She has gone to stay with her aunt. We are respectable people. You frightened her. We don't like the police coming here." "Highly respectable," repeated Foyle under his breath. Aloud he said menacingly, "We shall soon know whether you are respectable. Where does the girl's aunt live?"