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With fifty men I'd have held this place against a thousand Boers, and not ten men'd join. We haven't got the rifles. Every Dutchman's armed, and how many rifles will you find among the English? And who's fault's that? I've left my property in the Free State, and odds are I shall lose every penny I've got what part? all over and come here on to British soil, and what do I find?

"An' the lass Helen is goin' to help us," said Wetzel, much interested. "It's a good move. Women are keen. Betty put Miller's schemin' in my eye long 'afore I noticed it. But girls have chances we men'd never get." "Yes, an' she's like Betts, quicker'n lightnin'. She'll find out this hoss-thief in Fort Henry; but Lew, when we do get him we won't be much better off. Where do them hosses go?

I was out over the river yesterday, tryin' to git a hoss back to his owner, and a Captain of a cavalry company come along and took my hoss away, and give me this cow in exchange. He said his men'd got the cow down the road apiece, and that's all I know of her." "A very likely story," sneered several of the staff. "Let me see," said the General, who prided himself on remembering names and faces.

"Ye're a beautiful girl. Ye're young. Ye have money. There's dozens of young men'd be proud to make ye their wife. Whatever ye may be thinkin' or doin', don't throw away your life. Don't destroy your immortal soul. Don't break my heart entirely." Aileen, not ungenerous fool of mingled affection and passion could now have cried.

She replied, accurately or not: 'I told her our men'd give her as good as she gave me, let her wait and see. Therewith she pouted; or, to sketch her with precision, 'snouted' would better convey the vivacity of her ugly flash of features. It was an error in me to think her heartless.

"But how about appointing a sentry to stay on guard during the night?" suggested Giraffe, turning to the scout-master. "What for?" asked Thad, winking at Allan. "To watch that he don't get loose, and spread himself at our expense," the other explained. "Why, if that bear overfed, and killed himself, those foreign men'd be just awful mad, fellows.

He appealed to the men at his back. "He won't stand up like a man. He leaps around like a bloody monkey." "That's right, bosun. Stand up to him there, you!" That was the carpenter's voice. And others followed. 'Twasn't so men'd been used to fightin' on oil-tankers. No, sir. "Stand to him breast to breast!" The carpenter led further clamorous voices. "Aye, breast to breast be it."

He delayed wan prize fight two hours, encouragin' th' voters prisint to stand be their principles, while th' principles sat shiverin' in their cor-rners until th' polis r-run him out. It got so that men'd bound into alleys whin he come up th' sthreet. People in th' liquor business rayfused to let him come into their places. His fam'ly et in th' coal-shed f'r fear iv his speeches at supper.

"Del Pinzo would rather his men'd get th' lickin's!" answered Snake. "He's hidin' out, I reckon." "I'd like to find his hole!" said Yellin' Kid. The clashing forces were nearer each other now, with the bunch of Happy Valley steers in between, but off to one side. In order that you may better understand what follows, and the positions of the contending parties, I will explain the situation briefly.

"The more I see of women, the less I think of 'em," said he. "But I suppose the men'd be lazy and worthless too, if nature had given 'em anything that'd sell or rent. . . . Somehow I'm disappointed in you, though." That ended the conversation until they were sitting down at the table. Then Sperry said: "Are you offended by my frankness a while ago?" "No," replied Susan. "The contrary.