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It was bare save for the photographs, in cheap frames, of two stolid-looking lads, whom he vaguely remembered. "Those your boys?" he asked kindly, and then, making an effort of memory of which he felt harmlessly proud, he said: "Let me see, one was Peter and the other was Paul, eh? I hope they're all right, Mrs. Cobbett?" "In a sense, sir," she said apathetically. "I do believe they are.

Then take the white church on yer right shoulder an' go straight west. I would not have remembered it so well but for the fact that Uncle Eb wrote it all down in his account book and that has helped me over many a slippery place in my memory of those events.

I have endeavoured to withdraw from the case, to forget, and blot everything from memory. But something stronger than will prevented; I could not desert you; could not believe you were wilfully wrong. You understand what I mean." "Yes," the words barely reaching him. "It was the other girl; she undermined your faith." "That is the truth; yet how could it be, do you suppose?

He did not know what lay ahead, but whatever did so lie would never dismay him again as things had done in the past, in that too-recent vivid past. He was quite sure of this. His mood was tinctured with recklessness when he summed it up in words. A man must stand on his own feet! He would never forget that sentence. It was burned into his memory.

And the rest of the day was more confusion, heat, never-ending weariness, and always the sense of there being so little time. Rumors raced along the lines, five thousand, ten thousand blue bellies on the march, drawing in from every garrison in the blue grass. And those who had been hunted along the Ohio roads a year before were haunted by that old memory of disaster.

Bernard then prayed to her for help to his companion's eyesight. Beatrice, with others of the blest, was seen joining in the prayer, their hands stretched upwards; and the Virgin, after benignly looking on the petitioners, gazed upwards herself, shewing the way with her own eyes to the still greater vision. Dante then looked also, and beheld what he had no words to speak, or memory to endure.

It would have left you such a wretched memory of me. You could never have pardoned me the scandal and I felt that I had at least the right to leave you a decent recollection of me." Shattuck's head fell forward on his arms. The idea of denial or protest did not occur to him. The steady voice went monotonously on.

She perfectly remembered everything that had passed in conversation between Wickham and herself, in their first evening at Mr. Phillips's. Many of his expressions were still fresh in her memory. She was now struck with the impropriety of such communications to a stranger, and wondered it had escaped her before.

When the flowers fade and they are fading already you, dear queen, will have no longer a kingdom, so we have brought you something; we have subscribed among us for something that will not fade something that you can always wear in memory of us. Look! isn't it beautiful?"

As our senses shew us in one instance two bodies, or motions, or qualities in certain relations of success and contiguity; so our memory presents us only with a multitude of instances, wherein we always find like bodies, motions, or qualities in like relations.