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Annie, who signed herself "Anne Melrose von Behrens," was the real dictator in the various circles of the allied families, and had a fashion of finding herself supreme in larger circles, as well. Annie was thirty-seven or eight, tall, thin, ash-blonde, superb in manner and bearing. Nature had been generous to her, but she had done far more for herself than Nature had.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Melrose met Undershaw in the hall, as he entered the house. "How is he?" "All right again, I think, and doing well. I hope we shall have no further drawbacks." "Be good enough to give me ten minutes before you see Mr. Faversham?" The invitation could not have been more grand-seigneurish. Undershaw, consumed with curiosity, accepted. Melrose led the way.

It was so, at least from the cynical point of view of an observer who never wasted time on any other that Melrose read him.

Nor, at this critical moment, did he forget his uncle the man who had been a father to him in his orphaned boyhood. What pleasure the dear old fellow would have taken in this new opening and in Melrose's marvellous possessions! By the way Melrose had said nothing about the gems for a long time past, and Faversham was well content to leave them in his temporary keeping.

Those who visit Melrose will take a peep at the gravestone of Tom Purdie, who sleeps amid a long line of the dead, reaching from the days of Aidan to our own, as alive he filled a little niche in the regard! of a master who has given to both high and low so many niches in the temple of immortality. By special arrangement with, and by permission of, the publishers, Houghton, Mifflin Co.

Lydia noted the modest involuntary consciousness of power and responsibility which for a moment dignified the boyish countenance; and as her eyes met his Tatham was startled by the passionate approval expressed in the girl's look. She asked if there was no agent on the Melrose estates to temper the tyrannies of their master.

"I would have shown it you before, but really, old fellow, your face all day has been worth a fortune to the firm!" And he opened his fist, to shut it next instant on the bunch of diamonds and of sapphires that I had last seen encircling the neck of Lady Melrose. That night he told me the story of his earliest crime.

However there he is still, immersed they tell me in the business of the estate, but incessantly watched and hampered by Melrose himself, an extraordinary development in so short a time; and able, apparently, even if he is willing, which I assume to do little or nothing to meet the worst complaints of the tenants. They are beginning to turn against him furiously.

It was twenty years since she had last seen Edmund Melrose, and it was thirty years and more since she had rescued her sister from his grasp, and the duel between herself and him had ended in her final victory.

She headed committees and boards, knew hundreds of working girls by name, kept a secretary and a stenographer, and mentioned topics at big dinners that would not have shocked either old Goodwife Melrose of Boston, or Vrouw von Behrens of Nieu Amsterdam, for neither had the faintest idea that such things, or their names, existed.