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Why have dust and noise and elbowing people, when they might be cutting through the blue waters with the wind fresh in their faces? The weather was perfect; the thrall of the sea was upon them. The roses came into Mélanie's cheeks, and she forgot all about the professional advice which she had been at such pains to procure in New York.

As may be supposed, it was not difficult to lure the lively Frenchwoman into talking of the head of the establishment; and she very speedily gratified Lord Linden by communicating as much of Mademoiselle Melanie's history as she herself knew. But had Mademoiselle Melanie lovers? Or was her vestal-like demeanor genuine?

And indeed Lorand had reduced his external advantages to such a severe simplicity by wearing his hair closely cropped, and his every movement was marked by that languid, lazy stooping attitude which is usually the special peculiarity of those who busy themselves with agricultural work, that Melanie's eyes had no reason to be fixed specially upon him.

"Why haven't you brought more with you?" Melanie's face for a moment flushed a full rose then she answered this indiscreet inquiry calmly: "Simply, my dear Czipra, because the rest were seized by our creditors, who claimed them as a debt." "Couldn't you have anticipated them?" Melanie clasped her hands on her breast, and said with the astonishment of moral aversion: "How?

Czipra remarked that Melanie's ear-rings were missing. "You have left your earrings behind too?" she asked, hiding any want of tenderness in the question by delivering it in a whisper. "Our solicitor told me," said Melanie, with downcast eyes, "that those earrings also were paid for by creditors' money: and he was right. I gave them to him."

He shook himself, and little rivulets fell from his huge boots onto the floor. Then he looked round him. "I particularly want to see Burle. Is the lazy beggar already in bed?" "No, he is not in yet," said the old woman in her harsh voice. The major looked furious, and, raising his voice, he shouted: "What, not at home? But in that case they hoaxed me at the cafe, Melanie's establishment, you know.

He walked slowly around and stood before Mélanie, much as he had stood before her when he first asked her to marry him; and this time, as he looked down on her fairness, there was infinite gentleness and patience and love in his eyes. He bent over, lifted Mélanie's two hands, and drew her bodily out of her seat. She was impassive.

Nothing could be more natural than that I should come here with my violin to play an obligato to Melanie's piano; and if afterward we played violin and piano together perseveringly for eight or nine years, it would be impossible that we should not in the end reach the goal of life on that road.

Suddenly a crimson flush rose and spread over Mélanie's cheeks and forehead and neck, and when she looked up into Madame Reynier's face, she was gazing through unshed tears. She rose quickly, came round to the older woman's chair and kissed her cheek affectionately. "Dear Auntie, you are very good to me, and patient, too.

The house would soon be gayer; Mademoiselle Melanie would leave the business more in her forewoman's hands; the pleasant change so long desired was coming about; but she could not rest until she discovered the object of Mademoiselle Melanie's attachment. One thing was certain: there was romance and mystery about the whole affair, and this lent zest to the Frenchwoman's enjoyment.