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San Felipe was about two leagues away, and he strongly advised us not to follow a certain trail, which he described, lest haply we might fall in with Mejia's caballeros, some of whom he had himself seen within the hour a little lower down the valley. This was good news, and we went on in high spirits. "Didn't I tell you so?" said Carmen, complacently. "I knew Mejia would not be far off.

The patriots were, however, both better led and better disciplined than their opponents, and fought with a courage and a resolution that on their native plains would have made them formidable foes for the "crackest" of European cavalry. The encounter took place when we were within a few hundred yards of Mejia's left flank.

"I don't think he was intentionally uncivil. He seemed afraid." "Evidently. He did not know what we were, and feared to commit himself. However, we have learned something. We are on Mejia's track. He was at Tres Cruces three days since, and if we push on we may fall in with him before sunset, or, at any rate, to-morrow morning."

This raised Mejia's spirits to the highest point, and made him more resolute than ever to attack San Felipe. But when I saw General Estero's infantry my misgivings as to the outcome of the adventure were confirmed. His men, albeit strong and sturdy and full of fight, were badly disciplined and indifferently armed, their officers extremely ignorant and absurdly boastful and confident.

The only hope for Mejia was that, alarmed by our disappearance, he had stationed outposts on the heights and a line of vedettes on the San Felipe road, and fortified the entrance to the quebrada. In that case the attack might be repulsed, despite the superiority of the Spanish infantry and the disadvantages of Mejia's position.

"Por Dios! you take it very coolly. Perhaps neither." "You will let me go, then?" "Let you go! Let you go! Yes, I will let you go," laughing like a man who has made a telling joke, or conceived a brilliant idea. "When?" "Don't be impatient, señor; I should like to have the pleasure of your company for a day or two before we part. Perhaps after What is the strength of Mejia's army?"

A few men on that height hurling down rocks, the defile lined with sharp-shooters, half a hundred of Mejia's llaneros to cut off their retreat, and the regiment of Irun could be destroyed to a man." "Or taken prisoners." "I don't think there would be many prisoners," said Carmen, grimly. "These must almost be the last, I think they are. See! Here come the tag-rag and bobtail."

It was a scene of wild confusion and excitement; the Spaniards galloping off in all directions, singly and in groups, making no attempt to rally, yet when overtaken, fighting to the last, Mejia's men following them with lowered lances and wild cries, managing their fiery little horses with consummate ease, and making no prisoners.

"You were caught on the hill yonder, surveying the town through a glass, and Sergeant Prim overheard part of a conversation which leaves no doubt that you are officers in Mejia's army. Besides, you were seen coming from the quarter where he encamped this morning. Is this so?" Carmen and I exchanged glances. My worst fears were confirmed we had been betrayed. "Is this so? I repeat." "It is."