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"Oh, them wuz religious meetin's," sez she. "Well," sez I, "mebby these wimmen think their meetin' is religious. You know the Bible sez, 'Faith and works should go together, and some of the leaders of this movement have showed by their works as religious a sperit and wielded aginst injustice to young workin' wimmen as powerful a weepon as that axe of the 'Postles the Bible tells about.

I ain't comin' to New York an' confine myself to evenin' meetin's," answered Abel, throwing away discretion and morality together. "I tell you I'm goin' to spend this sugar-money just as we've a mind to. You've worked hard, an' counted a good while on comin', and so've I; an' I ain't goin' to mince my steps an' pinch an' screw for nobody.

She attends temperance meetin's an' takes people there a'most drags 'em in by the scruff o' the neck. She keeps 'er eyes open, like a weasel, an' w'enever she sees a chance o' what she calls pluckin' a brand out o' the fire, she plucks it, without much regard to burnin' 'er fingers.

Bein' president o' this yer Trust I'll do most of the yappin'," he added grimly. "I'm goin' away to-night fer a couple o' days. That's why this meetin's called. An' the object of it is to fix things right for Zip, an' to 'range so he gits a chance to put 'em through.

You can't go to that house. You can't go to her." "Mrs. Coffin, what are you saying? Do you know Have you " "Yes, I know all about it. I know about the meetin's in the pines and all. Oh, why didn't you trust me and tell me? If you had, all would have been SO much better!" He looked at her in utter amazement. The blood rushed to his face. "You know THAT?" he whispered. "Yes, I know."

"Tell me now awhile, John, what day is this th' election is?" "I d'no if it isn't Choosday week it is," replied John Brien, without interest. "There's two o' them up for it now. Young Coppinger, that was the first in it, and a chap from T'prairy. What's this his name is? Burke, I think it is. Sure they had two meetin's after chapel at Riverstown last Sunday.

I 'spect de doctor would put' near die ef he knowed dat Miss Annette was a-havin' incandescent meetin's wif Carter Nelson 'most ever' day." "Is Sandy after Annette, too?" "No, sonny, no!" said Aunt Melvy, to whom all men were "sonny" until they died of old age. "Mist' Sandy he's aimin' at high game. He's fix' his eyeball on de shore-'nough quality." "Do you mean Ruth Nelson?" asked Mrs.

Who the hell's talkin' av goin' in? Do ye think, ye danged counter-hopper, that we've no manners at all? For a sup o' wather I'd go over to ye wid me two hands!" And another softer voice drawled: "Run along Deck. Me an' my pardner promises not to turn violent or break into the sanctuary. We'll just camp here peaceful 'til the meetin's over." Abe chuckled.

Well, all at once Miss Penelope laid her hands on the keys and begun to play and sing 'Nearer, My God, to Thee. We'd heard that hymn all our lives at church and protracted meetin's and prayer-meetin's, but we didn't know how it could sound till Miss Penelope sung it all by herself that day with our new organ.

"'Spect he don't like de meetin's, nohow," said Maria. "But does he tell all the people they must not come?" "I reckon he make it oncomfor'ble for 'em," Maria answered gravely. "Dere is no end o' de mean ways o' sich folks. Know he ain't no gentleman, nohow!" "What does he do, Maria?" I said, trembling, yet unable to keep back the question.