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No doubt, by now the policeman would be gone home for the night. She looked about. She was in the district of modest residences, and a young man was coming toward her, carrying a new garden hose looped around his shoulder. "Say, Meest'r; say, blease " The young man gave her a quick look and passed on, hitching the coil of hose over his shoulder.

At last, a solitary pedestrian came into view, a young man in a top hat and overcoat, walking rapidly. Mrs. Hooven held out a quivering hand as he passed her. "Say, say, den, Meest'r, blease hellup a boor womun." The other hurried on. The fish course was grenadins of bass and small salmon, the latter stuffed, and cooked in white wine and mushroom liquor. "I have read your poem, of course, Mr.

"And the Fatherland? Ever want to go back?" "Wail, I tell you dose ting, Meest'r Ennixter. Alle-ways, I tink a lot oaf Shairmany, und der Kaiser, und nef'r I forgedt Gravelotte. Budt, say, I tell you dose ting. Vhair der wife is, und der kinder der leedle girl Hilda DERE IS DER VATERLAND. Eh?

I thought the Governor was going to manage without his tenants this year." "Ach, Meest'r Ennixter," cried the other, straightening up. "Ach, dat's you, eh? Ach, you bedt he doand menege mitout me. Me, I gotta stay. I talk der straighd talk mit der Governor. I fix 'em. Ach, you bedt. Sieben yahr I hef bei der rench ge-stopped; yais, sir. Efery oder sohn-of-a-guhn bei der plaice ged der sach bud me.