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As a leading medium has told us, it is "the primary school for the study of spiritual facts, and for the training of mediums."

Stainton Moses, and by the mediums known to Porphyry and Iamblichus; the Angakut also send their souls on voyages, and behold distant lands. 'The slabs of the floor were lifted and rushed after them: a case of 'movement of objects without physical contact'. This phenomenon in future attended the young medium's possessions, even when he was away from home.

She suspected her father had talked with Singleton since, though she had never seen them together from that time until now. Lawler had been gone a month. She had heard through various mediums mostly from cowboys from nearby ranches who occasionally passed the cabin that Lawler was "making good" in the vernacular of the cowpuncher; and "makin' them all set up an' take notice."

The Very Small Number of Dependable Mediums Spiritistic literature is endlessly diffuse, but on the other hand the more dispassionate students rest their case on an unexpectedly small body of undiscredited evidence. Mrs. Piper, Home and Stainton Moses are the mediums with whom the case of the S.P.R. really stands or falls. Home was never detected in fraud and was non-professional.

She never was a Spiritualist, though she frequently went into what is now called a trance. She spoke, wrote, sang, and had presentiments of the finest kind, in this condition, far better than I have ever seen here in America in the case of the most celebrated mediums. She even prescribed for herself with success, yet was not a Spiritualist.

Ross's assistants, who wrote the copy and drew the pictures and selected the mediums and got the "mats" over to the agency on time, were real advertising men. No, the trusting old pirate believed it was also necessary to have an ordained advertising-manager like Mr.

I further attended, unaccompanied by members of the Commission, three séances, of which one was held with one of the former Materializing Mediums, and two with other Rapping Mediums. The reputed phenomena or manifestations were carefully observed, as far as circumstances would permit, i.e., under the conditions ordinarily exacted by Mediums.

But people lose their heads by reading classics or mathematics, or overdoing any one subject however excellent even falling in love: and the ingenuity displayed in wasting time is so manifold that this is an objection that can scarcely be urged specially against Spiritualism, though I own Dark Séances do cut terribly into time. Then again one is apt to be taken in by mediums or even by spirits.

The universe is spiritual. Much as we claim for our mediums, the mediumship of motherhood is far more marvellous. Our mediums can enable spirits already alive, and able by their own wills to cooperate, to pass before our eyes for a moment. To hold them longer in our view exceeds their power.

The first groan was so loud and unexpected that Miss Cash gasped "My savin' soul!" into the mouth organ. Marietta continued to groan, also to pound the floor with her heels. In her capacity as "medium" she, like other mediums mediums of her stripe, that is was "getting under control." Then followed the usual sort of thing which follows at this sort of seance.