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Some confused or obscure notions have served their turns; and many who talk very much of RELIGION and CONSCIENCE, of CHURCH and FAITH, of POWER and RIGHT, of OBSTRUCTIONS and HUMOURS, MELANCHOLY and CHOLER, would perhaps have little left in their thoughts and meditations, if one should desire them to think only of the things themselves, and lay by those words with which they so often confound others, and not seldom themselves also.

But Chauvelin abruptly silenced the wretch with a curt command; then, without another word, he walked straight out of the room. In thought Armand followed him. The wild desire was suddenly born in him to run away at this moment, while Heron, wrapped in his own meditations, was paying no heed to him.

And I think to have bread on such terms is the next degree of wretchedness to having none at all." "All this, thank God," said Mr. Wesley, "does not in the least sink my wife's spirits. She bears it with a courage which becomes her, and which I expected from her." Mrs. Wesley's meditations on the matter carry with them an unchanging serenity of mind.

Shortly after the examination of the prisoners, the greater part of the band had gone away with the captain, and only half a dozen men were left behind on guard. After Brooke had grown tired of his own meditations, he wandered toward the window and looked out. Here he stood watching the men below, and studying their faces until he had formed his own conclusion as to the character of each one.

Once in the open air, the brisk autumn breezes caught something from her hand, and sent little fragments whirling through space paper scraps, that might have been dissected particles of a bank note. Cora listened in some surprise to the messenger, who broke in upon her meditations with a trifle less of suavity than was usual in Miss Arthur's maid. "A gentleman, to see me!

M. Bayle asserts, for instance, 'that by purely philosophical meditations one can never attain to an established certainty that we are the efficient cause of our volitions'. But this is a point which I do not concede to him: for the establishment of this system demonstrates beyond a doubt that in the course of nature each substance is the sole cause of all its actions, and that it is free of all physical influence from every other substance, save the customary co-operation of God.

She conveyed information from the hostile camp therefore she was let alone. 'Why Lucy! Dora was still bending over her work when a well-known tap at the door startled her meditations. Lucy put her head in, and, finding Dora alone, came in with a look of relief.

This speech suddenly recalled Adam from his meditations; for whenever his kindly and simple benevolence was touched, even his mathematics and his model were forgotten. "No, young sir," said he, "you must not quit us yet; your danger is not over. Exercise may bring fever. Celsus recommends quiet. You must consent to tarry with us a day or two more."

But having arrived at this point of his somewhat angry meditations, Braddock sent Cockatoo with a message to his step-daughter, saying that he wished to see her. "I'll see if she really loves Hope," thought the Professor, rubbing his plump hands. "If she doesn't, there may be a chance of her throwing him over to become Lady Random. Then I can get the money.

Just then her meditations were broken in upon by Minnie herself who ran in, exclaiming breathlessly, "O, I am so glad you're here early, I did so want to have a chat with you before the school commenced!" "All right," replied Mabel, who had been occupied during her reflections in slowly unlacing her boot.