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Dale was a model of sobriety, but the excitement of "fives" when he looked for "threes" was too much for him. "I'll tank him all right, my l , I mean, sir," he vowed cheerfully. Medenham lit a new cigarette and strolled out of the yard. From the corner of his eye he saw Marigny's helper looking at him.

To his credit, Medenham thought, Marigny showed a curious unwillingness to mention Cynthia's name, but, no matter what he had in mind, Medenham certainly did not intend to render his task easier. "You see," went on Count Edouard, after a thoughtful puff or two, "I am quite as well-born a man in my country as you are in yours.

Thus, young Lord Medenham made no pretense of shirking it while he stood on the steps of his father's mansion in Cavendish Square and watched his chauffeur stowing a luncheon basket beneath the front seat of the Mercury 38. "You know a bit about racing, Tomkinson," he said, smiling at the elderly butler who had brought the basket out of the house. "What's going to win?"

Sometimes they are little else than malicious leers; it was so now, and I quickly found that I had erred badly in thinking that I had been vouchsafed a golden opportunity " "Can't you spare me some of this theorizing?" broke in Medenham with a cold impatience. "You happened to send for me at a moment when I was exceedingly anxious to meet you.

"And how far is the Symon's Yat Hotel, measured by that rule?" "Half a mile, sir, down that there lane." While traveling slowly in the narrow way, Simmonds turned his head. "It doesn't follow that because the boy saw Viscount Medenham yesterday his lordship is here now, sir," he said. "You just do as you are told and pass no remarks," snapped Vanrenen.

Greatly as he despised this man, Medenham could not wholly conceal the wonder that leaped to his eyes. "Are you suggesting that we should fight a duel?" he asked, smiling with incredulity, yet constrained to believe that Marigny was really speaking in cold blood. "Yes oh, yes. A duel no make-believe!" A curious change came into Marigny's voice at that instant.

Medenham could not help smiling; he stooped and felt a tire unnecessarily. Cynthia was puzzled. She wrote that evening to Irma Norris, her cousin in Philadelphia "Fitzroy is a new line in chauffeurs." "By the way, where is your trunk?" she demanded suddenly. "I came away unexpectedly, so I have arranged that it shall be sent to Brighton by rail," he explained.

"You have already convinced me that your ethics are drawn from the police court, but I see now, that you depend for your wit on the cheaper variety of melodrama," said Medenham, with a quiet derision that at last brought a flush of passion to the Frenchman's face. "I fail to see the need of more words. You have asked for deeds, and you shall have them.

Marigny looked to heaven, or as far in the direction popularly assigned to heaven as the porch of the Metropole would permit. He was framing a suitable speech, but the Mercury shot out into the open road with a noiseless celerity that disconcerted him. Medenham at once slackened speed and leaned back. "I'm very sorry," he said, "but I clean forgot to ask if you were quite ready to start."

"But you were not driving it," said the other. "A chap named Dale was in charge then." "Oh, is that it? You've brought two ladies here just now?" "Yes." "Good! My guv'nor's on the lookout for 'em. He didn't tell me so, but he made sure they hadn't passed this way when we turned up." "And when was that?" asked Medenham, feeling unaccountably sick at heart. "Soon after lunch. Ran here from Bristol.