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He was pow'ful lucky, too, in not bein' hit in the head, 'cause he ain't got no such skull as Sam has, not within a mile of it. His skull wouldn't have turned no bullet. He has lost a power of blood, but if you kin get him back to camp, an' use the med'cines which you Yanks have in such lots an' which we haven't, he may get well." "That's good advice," said Dick. "Help me up with him."

Great general scholars, excellent physicians, Most admired statesmen, profest favourites, And Cabinet counsellors to the greatest princes; The only languaged men of all the world! Peregrine. And I have heard, they are most lewd impostors Made all of terms and shreds, no less beliers Of great men's favours, than their own vile med'cines...

In Hartman's Family Physician is given "An experienced Remedy against the Falling Sicknes, wherewith Sir K. Digby cur'd a Minister's Son at Franckfort in Germany, in the year 1659." It begins, "Take the Skull of a Man that died of a Violent Death." In a poetic tribute he is referred to as: "Hee, that all med'cines can exactly make, And freely give them."

"Ye talk to the senseless clay," said Betty, rocking her body, and unconsciously playing with the raven ringlets of the trooper's hair; "it's no more will he hear, and it's but little will he mind yeer probes and yeer med'cines. Och hone," och hone! and where will be the liberty now? or who will there be to fight the battle, or gain the day?"