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Meanwhile, from the field of Gaines' Mill, long columns of dust, rising above the forests to the south, had been descried, showing that the enemy was in motion; and when the news came in that the railway bridge had been destroyed, and that the line itself was unprotected, it was at once evident that McClellan had abandoned his communications with White House.

Meanwhile the captain, while informing himself of the available dishes, was secretly following the discreet sign language of the waiter.

Indeed, in a little while she quite forgot that she had herself acquiesced in his going. In short, her temper gave way completely under the strain, so that at last her uncle scarcely dared to mention John's name. Meanwhile, things had been going as ill without as within.

It was all right then! he was willing to leave the neighborhood! he had no particular attractions here! his affections were not involved! his acquaintance with that girl had been only a piece of transient folly, of which he was probably sick and tired! These were her thoughts as she thanked her son for his ready acquiescence in her wishes. Meanwhile what were his purposes?

Somehow or other, he could not get his mind off the gun, and, after a lapse of an hour, he was as wide awake as ever. Meanwhile, Priscilla and Sophia were both asleep, not being interested in the gun. Finally it occurred to Andy that he would get up and look at the gun. He wanted to make sure that he understood how to fire it.

I am aware that it had the appearance of rudeness, but I can only say that it was from necessity and not from choice. There is something more which I hope some day to tell you, Miss Carleton, but, until I can speak as I wish to speak, it is best to remain silent; meanwhile, I will trust to your friendship to pardon whatever in my conduct may seem abrupt or inexplicable."

"May be, may be," grumbled the old man, "but women folk are hard to teach; they never learn nothing till it's too late, they don't, and then when they've been and done it they're sorry, but what's the good o' that?" Meanwhile another conversation was in progress not more than a quarter of a mile away.

Meanwhile James Greenfield and the Company officials, from the outside, watched the situation with the calmness of professional gamblers watching the turn of the cards.

Meanwhile," turning to Lawn, "I'm tremendously obliged to you for coming and for your offer. You see how it is, don't you? I couldn't risk taking money for a thing which might, at the end, prove dear at any price." "I cheerfully accept that risk," insisted young Lawn; "I am quite ready to do all the worrying, Captain Selwyn."

Favour me, meanwhile, by accepting this trifle." "Nay, nay, sir," said Mr. Brown, pocketing the money, "I really cannot accept this; anything in the way of exchange, a ring, or a seal, or " "No, no, not at present," said Clarence; "the night is coming on, and I shall make the best of my way. Good-by, Mr.