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No nation stands wholly apart in interest when the life and interests of all nations are thrown into confusion and peril. If hopeful and generous enterprise is to be renewed, if the healing and helpful arts of life are indeed to be revived when peace comes again, a new atmosphere of justice and friendship must be generated by means the world has never tried before.

Nobody knows how they happened to get concentrated there. Mind, they are bones, not fossils. This means that the moa has not been extinct very long. Still, this is the only New Zealand creature which has no mention in that otherwise comprehensive literature, the native legends.

But they soon found that possession is not nine points of military law, by any means. An order from Division Headquarters soon sent them profanely packing, and the Second Heavies occupied."

Whereas anyone acquainted with the facts knows that 'Hollinwall' simply means 'the hole in the wall, and probably referred to some quite trivial accident. That's what I mean when I say that we don't so much find old things as we find new ones."

It means much the same thing, said the Duchess, digging her sharp little chin into Alice's shoulder as she added, 'and the moral of THAT is "Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves." 'How fond she is of finding morals in things! Alice thought to herself.

Idleness and vice have often in England been the means of levelling with the dust the lordly mansion, whilst industry, in the wilds of Australia, can rear a comfortable dwelling on the very spot where once stood the hut of the out-settler.

We can see almost the whole valley if we get high enough, and as there aren't many patches of woodland where the rascals can hide, we hope to spot the rustlers as soon as they begin their tricks." "Well, you may do it," and again the cowboy was very cautious. "I never heard of cattle rustlers bein' caught that way, but when other means fail, try suthin' diffrunt! We'll tackle th' tower!"

"For whom but cowards," said Cortes, "were means of retreat necessary!" Cortes, with great skill, worked up the zeal of his soldiers to the fury of a religious crusade. All thought it a duty to destroy the idols they saw, to end the practice of offering human sacrifices, and to force the Christian religion upon the natives.

"It means another fight, sir," whispered Tom. "Can't anybody say in nigger lingo as we're friends?"

You can't get an Irishman, and, what's more, a free-born American citizen, to put himself on a level with a nigger, not by no manner of means.