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Wulstead standeth on a little hill or swelling of the earth, and the road that the company of Ralph took went up to the gate across the plain meadows, which had but here and there a tree upon them, so that the going of the company was beheld clearly from the gate; as was well seen, because anon came the sound of the blowing of great horns, and the spears thickened in the towers.

This he was not able to do for it was caused by home-sickness. He pined for his rude home in Siberia for the ice-fields, the marshy meadows, and the barren steppes of his fatherland he saw no beauty in the summer plains of the South, no charm in the cultivated fields, nor found pleasure in the society into which he was thrown.

This river, which winds through the middle of the meadows, is navigable only in the winter and spring, at which seasons it transports the produce of the lands to Rome: but in summer it sinks below its banks, leaving the name of a great river to an almost empty channel: towards the autumn, however, it begins again to renew its claim to that title.

The bank had given way under his feet. Besides the cattle, we saw no living things except a few birds and a great many fishermen. These sat along the edges of the meadows, sometimes with one rod, sometimes with as many as half a score. They seemed stupefied with contentment; and when we induced them to exchange a few words with us about the weather, their voices sounded quiet and far away.

We now trotted down the valley, over beautiful meadows, which were uncultivated except in a few places where the peasants were plowing for maize, and had destroyed every trace of the road. The hills on both sides began to be fringed with pine, while the higher ridges on our right were clothed with woods of oak. I was surprised at the luxuriant vegetation of this region.

"And so am I," said Cicely. "When we write home we must be sure to mention to mother about Mr. Martyn. I don't think dear Maggie knew anything about The Meadows; so perhaps, after all, he is a somewhat distant cousin; but it is such a comfort to know that he is rich and a gentleman." "Yes," said Cicely. Then she added, "I don't think Aneta wants you to make too great a friend of Maggie Howland."

Bordering on the Connecticut River and near thrifty towns are thousands of acres of rich meadows and arable lands, without fence, which are interspersed with lofty trees and orchards and covered with exquisite verdure.

Her parents were rich and proud, but they were prouder of their little girl than they were of their money, as well they might be, seeing that she was the smartest and most beautiful child to be found in all the country round." "Were there no princes and castles in that country?" inquired Sweetest Susan. "Oh, dear, no!" replied Mrs. Meadows. "The folks were just plain, common, every-day people.

That is the reason why they do not mention their sisters or their mothers except when two confidential friends are together, in a tree, or by themselves in the meadows. But, as sure as ever a boy is full of action if he tops the rest at play holds his tongue, or helps others generously or shows a manly spirit without being proud of it, the whole school is his friend.

In a few minutes more the dusk of twilight spread over the scene, the boatmen glided home over the still lake and the herdsmen drove their cattle back from pasture on the slopes and meadows. On inquiring for Freiligrath at Stafa, we found he had removed to Rapperschwyl, some distance further. As it was already late, we waited for the steamboat which leaves Zurich every evening.