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There were four men drinking in the house, who seemed to take no notice of them. But when The McMurrough and his companions went to the shed beside the house to draw out their horses, the men followed, challenged them for Papists, threw down five pounds in gold, and seized the mare. The four were armed, and resistance was useless. The story was received with a volley of oaths and curses.

'Tis too dangerous. Not that I believe you are much in earnest, my lad, whatever others may think what's your rightful king to you, or you to him, that you should risk aught? But whether you go into it out of pure devilment, or just to keep right with your sister " "Which is why you stand bonnet for it," McMurrough struck in, with a grin. "That's possible.

James McMurrough asked contemptuously. And he took up a stone and flung it over the edge.

It is plain that Edward Bruce who on one side was descended both from Strongbow and Dermot McMurrough fully hoped to have cut out a kingdom for himself with his sword, as others of his blood had hoped and intended before him. His own excesses, however, went far to prevent that.

Faith and I'm glad," he continued cordially, "for there might have been trouble, and now there'll be none!" "Well, it's not I'll tell O'Sullivan Og," James McMurrough retorted. "It's little he'll like to give up the stuff, and, in my opinion," he added sullenly, "there's more than us will have a word to say to it before it's given up. But you can judge of that for yourselves." "Mr.

"Behind the yews in the garden?" he said, disregarding her presence. "Ah, I'll meet you there!" The McMurrough answered, pot-valiant. "And, more by token, order your coffin, for you'll need it!" Drink and rage left no place in his brain for fear. "That will be seen to-morrow," the Englishman answered, in a tone that chilled the girl's marrow.

This is no place for us!" "Flavia!" "Ah, do not call me that!" she retorted. "My hope, joy, honour, are in this house, and you have disgraced it! My brother is a McMurrough, and what have you made of him? He cowers before your eye! He has no will but yours! He is as good as dumb before his master!

"What in the saints' names is the matter with you?" The McMurrough faltered. "You're not fit to breathe the air she breathes!" Asgill continued, with the same ferocity. "Nor am I! But I know it, thank God! And you don't! Why, man," he continued, still fighting with the passion that possessed him, "I wouldn't dare to touch the hem of her gown without her leave!

"James will talk to them." "James " "You had better speak to them," Colonel John continued, addressing his companion. "And you, Ulick " "You can't come in," Ulick repeated grimly. James McMurrough interposed in his harshest tone. "An end to this!" he cried. "Who the devil are you to bar the door, Ulick! And you, Phelim and Morty, be easy a minute till you hear me speak."

And Flavia was silent. James McMurrough was young, but he was a slave to as few of the generous ambitions of youth as any man of his years. At heart he cared little for his country, and nothing for his Faith which indeed he had been ready to barter for an allowance, and a certain succession.