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"Rubbish!" I said. "I'm Helen McGill, and the man made no attempt to defraud me." "The charge was entered and warrant applied for by your brother, Andrew McGill, acting on your behalf." "I never authorized Andrew to act on my behalf." "Then do you withdraw the charge?" "By all means," I said. "I've a great mind to enter a counter-charge against Andrew and have him arrested."

The final period of Principal Dawson's connection with McGill, from 1880 to his retirement in 1893, saw a further growth in the University. Into the details of that growth we cannot here enter. The University was now becoming a national rather than a local institution; it was contributing more and more to national development.

As a matter of fact, we have a wager with him that we can sell fifty copies of 'Happiness and Hayseed' before Hallowe'en. Now I'm sure your sporting instinct will assist us by taking at least one copy. Andrew McGill is probably the greatest author in this State, and every taxpayer ought to possess his books. May I show you a copy?" "That sounds reasonable," said Mr. Mason, and he almost smiled.

"He, himself, has left it on record, in his paper entitled, 'Thirty-eight Years of McGill, that these years were 'filled with anxieties and cares, and with continuous and almost unremitting labour. There are on my library table at the present time three volumes, in which three college presidents may be said to have summed up the lifework it has been given them to do for the institutions with which they were severally connected Caird of Glasgow, Eliot of Harvard, and Gilman of Johns Hopkins.

The windows in front and back were curtained and a pot of geraniums stood on a diminutive shelf. I was amused to see a sandy Irish terrier curled up on a bright Mexican blanket in the bunk. "Miss McGill," he said, "I couldn't sell Parnassus for less than four hundred. I've put twice that much into her, one time and another.

This is the short of it: "I am a Canadian, McGill University man, electrician. My company sent me to Cincinnati. I got a vacation of a couple of weeks, and thought I'd take a pedestrian tour. I can walk better than you'd think," and he tapped the short leg. I liked his grit.

Sir William Dawson, for many years the energetic principal of McGill University, the scientific prominence of which is due largely to his mental bias, was the author of several geological books, written in a graceful and readable style.

James McGill consisted of the valuable estate of Burnside, comprising the building in which they were then assembled, and the garden and grounds adjoining, together with the sum of £10,000, in furtherance of his benevolent intention. This Institution was to transfer the bequest, when a College, in pursuance of his views, was established and bearing his name.

"What is your name, my lad?" inquired the coroner's clerk. "Cuddie McGill, an' it please your worship," replied the shock-headed youth. "Your age?" "Anan?" "How old are you?" "Ou, ay, just nineteen come St. Andrew's Eve, at night." "Where do you live?" "Wi' my maister, Gillie Ferguson, the saddler, at Lone."

Seventy-one years his father was, and had never slept a night out of his own bed in his own house on Island McGill. That was the life ideal, so Captain MacElrath considered, and he was prone to marvel that any man, not under compulsion, should leave a farm to go to sea. To this much-travelled man the whole world was as familiar as the village to the cobbler sitting in his shop.