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Invasion of Kentucky by Captain Byrd's party He captures the garrisons at Ruddle's Station and Martin's Fort Colonel Clark's invasion of the Indian country He ravages the Indian towns Adventure of Alexander McConnell Skirmish at Pickaway Result of the expedition Boone goes to the Blue Licks with his brother Attacked by the Indians Boone's brother killed Boone promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel Clark's galley Squire Boone's Station removed to Bear's Creek Attack by the Indians Colonel Floyd's defeat Affair of the McAfees Attack on McAfee's Station repelled Fort Jefferson evacuated Attack on Montgomery Station Rescue by General Logan.

"As if every month," says Marshall, "was to furnish its distinguishing incident in May, Samuel McAfee and another had set out from James McAfee's Station for a plantation at a small distance, and when advanced about one-fourth of a mile they were fired on; the man fell McAfee wheeled and ran toward the fort; in fifteen steps he met an Indian they each halt and present their guns, with muzzles almost touching at the same instant they each pull trigger, McAfee's gun makes clear fire, the Indian's flashes in the pan and he falls: McAfee continues his retreat, but the alarm being given, he meets his brothers, Robert and James the first, though cautioned, ran along the path to see the dead Indian, by this time several Indians had gained the path between him and the fort.

That very evening Polly Ann had frightened him into obedience by telling him that the Shawanees would get him. What was there to do? McAfee's Station was four miles away, and Ray's clearing two. Ray was gone with Tom. I could not leave Polly Ann alone. There was nothing for it but to wait.

"Oh, Davy," said his mother, "I thought ye were never coming back." "And the redskins?" I asked. She drew the child away, lest he hurt me, and shuddered. "I reckon 'twas only a war-party," she answered. "The rest is at McAfee's. And if they beat 'em off " she stopped abruptly. "We shall be saved," I said. I shall never forget that day.

That very evening Polly Ann had frightened him into obedience by telling him that the Shawanees would get him. What was there to do? McAfee's Station was four miles away, and Ray's clearing two. Ray was gone with Tom. I could not leave Polly Ann alone. There was nothing for it but to wait.

"Oh, Davy," said his mother, "I thought ye were never coming back." "And the redskins?" I asked. She drew the child away, lest he hurt me, and shuddered. "I reckon 'twas only a war-party," she answered. "The rest is at McAfee's. And if they beat 'em off " she stopped abruptly. "We shall be saved," I said. I shall never forget that day.

Half of McAfee's new station had heard the news, and came over likewise. And from that day we ground as much corn as could be brought to us from miles around. Polly Ann and I ran the mill and kept the accounts. Often of a crisp autumn morning we heard a gobble-gobble above the tumbling of the water and found a wild turkey perched on top of the hopper, eating his fill.

Before the Indians entirely withdrew from the fort, they killed all the cattle they saw, without making any use of them. From this time McAfee's Station was never more attacked, although it remained for several years an exposed frontier. Nor should the remark be omitted, that for the residue of the year, there were fewer incidents of a hostile nature than usual.

Then my glance wandered to the floor, and on the puncheons were three stains. I closed my eyes. Again came a far-off rattle, like stones falling from a great height down a rocky bluff. "What's that?" I whispered. "They're fighting at McAfee's Station," said Polly Ann. She put her cool hand on my head, and little Tom climbed up on the bed and looked up into my face, wistfully calling my name.

Half of McAfee's new station had heard the news, and came over likewise. And from that day we ground as much corn as could be brought to us from miles around. Polly Ann and I ran the mill and kept the accounts. Often of a crisp autumn morning we heard a gobble-gobble above the tumbling of the water and found a wild turkey perched on top of the hopper, eating his fill.