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Baste often with the sauce. Serve the turkey with the dressing. Garnish with boiled beets sliced thin. Neapolitan Salad. Cut cold chicken or turkey in small dice pieces; add some cold potatoes, beets and celery, cut fine; sprinkle with chopped hard-boiled eggs, salt and pepper. Line the salad bowl with lettuce leaves; add the salad. Cover with a French mayonnaise dressing.

"Plenty of mayonnaise and cream, for all parties. But when we make bold to ask for more satisfying things, we find 'No Indians need apply." "But my good Dyán !" "Well it's true. Suppose I wish to promote that closer union we all chatter about by marrying an English girl what then?" Up went Roy's eyebrows. "Are you after an English wife?" "I am submitting a case that might easily occur."

He astonished the keeper's wife by showing that he really knew how to use her frying-pan. Cecilia's omelet was tough but the young ladies ate it. Emily's mayonnaise sauce was almost as liquid as water they swallowed it nevertheless by the help of spoons. The potatoes followed, crisp and dry and delicious and Mirabel became more popular than ever.

Good year, last year." "The lilacs are even bigger than I remember," Margery said. "They keep right on going." Tucker took them through the house and kitchen to a screened back porch. Charlie and Margery sat at a large table while he brought bread, cheese, pickles, salami, mayonnaise, mustard, a bowl of lettuce, and a smaller bowl of radishes. He set plates and three glasses.

Depend upon it, it was the New Mud. But then, Predestination would have been dreadfully put out of temper if, instead of imperious impulsive Gwen, ruling the roast and the boiled, and the turbot with mayonnaise, and everything else for that matter, some young woman who could be pulverised by a reproof for Quixotism had been her understudy for the part, and she herself had had mumps or bubonic plague at the time of the accident.

The Happy Family went to bed that night as complacently uncomfortable as children after a Christmas dinner. Not often does it fall to the lot of a cowboy to have served to him stuffed olives and lobster salad with mayonnaise dressing, French fried potatoes and cream puffs from the mess-tent of a roundup outfit. During the next week it fell to the lot of the Happy Family, however.

Roll the fish into balls and turn them in the beaten egg and cracker crumbs or bread. Fry a light brown. Serve with any sauce or a mayonnaise. Work into two cups of mashed potatoes, a tablespoon of melted butter, until smooth and soft; add one egg well-beaten and beat all together with a wooden spoon. Season with salt and nutmeg.

It was an imposing portico to a shamble of sheds. The railway terminus is the real gate of the modern city. Yet what absurdly incongruous things these London city gates are a salad jumble of architecture and machinery with a mayonnaise of train-oil and soot! As I waited for my friend long trains came rumbling in under a canopy of smoke that hung about the grim iron rafters of this labyrinth.

Take meat of crab in large pieces and dress with the following: One-third mayonnaise, two-thirds chili sauce, small quantity chopped English chow-chow, a little Worcestershire sauce and minced tarragon, shallots and sweet parsley. Season with salt and pepper and keep on ice. Soles with Wine

"Here they are, ma'am, in a chaise at the gate!" I shook out the skirts of my green silk, I cast a last inspiriting glance at the Mayonnaise. Nugent's cheerful voice reached me from the garden, conducting the strangers. "This way, gentlemen follow me." A pause. Steps outside. The door opened. Nugent brought them in. Herr Grosse, from America. Mr. Sebright of London.