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"Mayhap not with the usurers," said Robin. "But the greenwood is not quite bare, and your face, Sir Knight, is your pledge of faith. Go to my treasury, Little John, and see if it will not yield four hundred pounds." "I can promise you that, and more if need be," answered the woodman. "But our worthy knight is poorly clad, and we have rich cloths to spare, I wot.

Of course they are, I should say so! It affords the occasion to have on one's roof a colony of pink dragon flowers and wild marsh-mallow. A fine green grass carpets the foot of this decrepit wall, the ivy climbs joyously up it and cloaks its bareness its wounds and its leprosy mayhap; moss covers with green velvet the stone seat at the door.

Corney and her daughters to carry off such dishes as were actually empty. There was no time for changing or washing of plates; but then, as Mrs. Corney laughingly observed, 'We're a' on us friends, and some on us mayhap sweethearts; so no need to be particular about plates. Them as gets clean ones is lucky; and them as doesn't, and cannot put up wi' plates that has been used, mun go without.

"And I'm thinking," said Maclachlan, very thoughtfully "that there'll be some guid victuals in the pantry and, mayhap, a gay wheen bottles of right liquor in the cellar." "Oh aye!" said he, taken aback. "Then I'm thinking we'll e'en have breakfast here and try their merits. And if it's a guid ane, I'll see you a Justice, whatever that may be, when the King enjoys his own again.

"After all I don't think it's going to be anything, sir, unless, mayhap, another thunder-storm like the one we had," commenced the gunner, as I stood looking round the horizon and vainly endeavouring to pierce the darkness which enveloped us. "Hark!" I interrupted. "Do you hear that, Tompion?"

But I'm thinkin' my lad'll be wantin' t' see how th' little maid is, an' see his mother an' mayhap be takin' th' cruise." "An Bob knew how lonesome we were how wonderful lonesome we were he'd be comin' at th' New Year sure. An' he'll be gettin' lonesome hisself. He must be gettin' dreadful lonesome away off in th' bush this long time! He'll sure be comin' at th' New Year!"

"Nay, shrink not; that flame will not burn thee. Mayhap thou didst but imagine it, as I have noted thou dost imagine many things; for surely no woman could clothe herself in light and live, nor has so much as the smell of fire passed upon my garments." Then at length my patience was outworn, and I grew angry.

So he was obliged to submit to the presence of this abomination, which he did in the hope that in time their hard hearts would be softened. "Continue to preach to us, O Shouter," they said, "and we will listen. Mayhap in years to come we shall learn to think as you do. Meanwhile give us space to consider the point."

I've done my duty by poor Robert's son, and if he will be such a fool as to run after blood and wounds, I have no more to say! Though 'tis pity of the old name! Ha! what's this? `Wedded against my will no troth plight. Forsooth, I thought my young master was mighty slack. He hath some other matter in his mind, hath he? Run into some coil mayhap with a beggar wench!

They simply are; the blossoms of a plant that has its secret roots far away in the soil of Circumstance beyond our ken, and that, mayhap, has pushed its branches through existences without number, and in the climates of many worlds. So at least it was with Isobel, and so it had always been since she kissed the sleeping child in the old refectory of the Abbey.