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Miss Sampson bent eyes upon me that would have stirred a stone man. "Yes, he was once," I replied ambiguously, but mayhap my grimness betrayed the truth. "Don't hurry me, Sally. I guarantee you'll be sick enough presently. "Well, I kept my eyes shifty. And I reckon I'll never forget that room. Likely I saw what wasn't really there.

'Tis all very well for great nobles, like Dunbar and Douglas, to keep men always in arms, and ready to ride, at a moment's notice, to carry fire and sword where they will. War is not our business, save when there is trouble in the air, or mayhap we run short of cattle or horses, and have to go and fetch them from across the border.

La! no; not he, sir; a bit lazy, mayhap, like other old fellows; but a knew devilish well what he was about.” Tom Wyndsour’s account was a little enigmatical; but, like old Squire Bowes, I was “a bit lazythat evening, and asked no more questions about him. We got over the stile upon the narrow road that skirts the churchyard.

Mayhap it was this, the love that might have been, that lent to her softlyfeatured face at whiles a look, tense with suppressed meaning, that imparted a strange yearning tendency to the beautiful eyes, a charm few could resist. Why have women such eyes of witchery? Gerty's were of the bluest Irish blue, set off by lustrous lashes and dark expressive brows.

"Precious friends, if she represent them, truly! Major Willard is another, mayhap?" The face of Irene turned deadly pale at the mention of this name. "Ha!" Emerson bent eagerly toward his wife. "And is that true, also?" "What? Speak out, sir!" Irene caught her breath, and grasped the rein of self-control which had dropped, a moment, from her hands.

'Casion calls me t'other day to Newcastle! Eh?" "Coals!" ejaculated Speed-the-Plough sonorously. "Coals!" echoed the tinker. "You ask what I goes there for, mayhap? Never you mind. One sees a mort o' life in my trade. Not for coals it isn't. And I don't carry 'em there, neither. Anyhow, I comes back. London's my mark. Says I, I'll see a bit o' the sea, and steps aboard a collier.

It might be one to be captured snapped up in an instant; it might be one of equal or not of vastly superior size, to be fought bravely, and taken in the end; or, mayhap, one so much larger that it would be necessary to make all sail and run away, a proceeding not very often practised in those days by British naval commanders.

Surely it was the noise of hoofs, for it was repeated and the sounds ran into each other as if the animal were trotting or galloping, or mayhap there was more than one of them. Yes; some one was drawing nigh on the back of horse or mule. There was no mistaking the hoof beats, and in the gloom the figure of an animal and his rider assumed vague form, growing more distinct each moment.

"It means," she said to me, simply as a child, "until we have both gone back into the flowers and the trees." I took her hand in mine. Mayhap book and bell and organ peal and vestured choir and high ceremony of the church may be more solemn; but I, who speak the truth from this very knowledge, think it could not be.

Mayhap then thou mayst repent thee of these bold words, for one time this enemy of thy father's was reckoned the foremost knight in England, and he is now the King's dear friend and a great lord." "But," said Myles, after another long time of heavy silence, "will not my Lord then befriend me for the sake of my father, who was one time his dear comrade?" Sir James shook his head.