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The bather returned their joint gaze steadily from eyes that seemed, as Maxwell said, to smoulder under their long lashes, and to question her effect upon them in a way that he was some time finding a phrase for. He was tormented to make out whether she were a large person or not; without her draperies he could not tell.

Helen's, under convoy of the Arab post sloop of war, commanded by Keith Maxwell, Esq. and the Favorite sloop of war, by John Davie, Esq. We anchored in Funchal Roads, island of Madeira, on Saturday the lath of October, without experiencing any remarkable event. When approaching the island of Madeira, it exhibits to the eye a strikingly beautiful and picturesque view.

The wife's adoration showed through her very failure through this strange conversion of all that was manly, solid, and effective in Maxwell, into a confused mass of facts and figures, pedantic, colourless, and cold! Edward Watton began to look desperately unhappy. "Too long," he said, whispering in Tressady's ear, "and too technical. They can't follow."

At this moment the portcullis of the gate was raised, and Maxwell falling back to make way for the regent, Wallace had not time to answer a sentiment, now so familiar to him by hearing it from every grateful heart, that he hardly remarked its tendency, a fact the more easily to be believed, from the ambition of such reward never receiving acceptance in his well-principled mind.

She came out of her own thoughts in time to hear Mr Maxwell say: "Yes, I mean to get away for a week or two by and by, and I mean to pass Thanksgiving either there or with Miss Martha at New B . If I cannot get away at that time I shall certainly go later, but I should like to be there on Thanksgiving Day for various reasons." Elizabeth looked from one to the other with some surprise.

There were some chairs on this platform and a small table. A boy stood by this table with his hand on a bell. Presently he rang it, and then every one kept still. Mrs. Wood whispered to Miss Laura that this boy was the president of the band, and the young man with the pale face and curly hair who sat in front of him was Mr. Maxwell, the artist's son, who had formed this Band of Mercy.

Betty looked, and saw George Tressady, with his hands in his pockets, lounging along a distant path beside Marcella Maxwell. "Well!" said Betty, "what then?" Naseby gave his mouth a twist. "Nothing; only it's odd. I ran across them just now I was playing ball with that jolly little imp, Hallin. You never saw two people more absorbed. Of course he's sous le charme we all are.

Maxwell had promised to bring the Kinta, a steam- launch, across from Georgetown by 8 P.M., and it shows how very pleasant the evening was, that though I was very tired, eight, nine, ten, and eleven came, and the conversation never flagged.

'Ye partnered ilk ither fine, said the Governor; 'time and step suited ye bonny. Weel, he added slowly, 'ye hae to decide. Wull ye tak her? Maxwell hesitated a moment, then impulsively, 'I will. Here's my hand on 't. 'Dune! cried the Governor triumphantly. Then he added by way of an evasion from any difficulty with Wharton.

Louise seized the occasion to confirm herself in her faith that her father admired Maxwell's genius as much as she did herself; and she tried to remember just the words he used in praising it, so that she could repeat them to Maxwell.