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"Eight thousand eh?" repeated Joe; "hum, well, we'll cut off the five hundred for expenses and passage home, and that leaves eight thousand clear, which, according to agreement, gives each of us two thousand pounds." Maxwell, who still looked pale and thin from the effects of his late accident, nodded his head slowly, and growled, "Two thousand jus' so."

Maxwell rushed into the middle of the street to see if he could be of any assistance in stopping the horse and preventing a catastrophe; but before he could get near enough to be of any service the animal suddenly shied, the buggy gave a final lurch, overturned, and was thrown violently against a telegraph pole. The horse, freed, dashed on, dragging the shafts and part of the harness.

I told you not to let me forget! You know I told you!" "In the name of thunderation!" John Maxwell put down his fork and pushed back his chair. "Is it hydrophobia or hysterics or brain trouble or For the love of mercy " "What time is it? Do you suppose we have time to go now, or is it too late? Why /did/ you let me forget?"

"Morrison," said the man, licking with his tongue to moisten his lips. "Did you say Maxwell?" asked Cassidy, shooting out his syllables hard and straight. "No, no I said Morrison." The man looked as though he were going to collapse then and there. "One name's as good as another, I guess, ain't it?" went on the detective. "Well, what's your business?" "My business?"

Maxwell, the superintendent of Wellington Valley, to train a certain number for my use; and I was now directed to push for that settlement without loss of time.

Thus two steps of the ladder were run into one, and Maxwell's brigade, which followed Wauchope's, was 600 yards further south than it would have been had the regular echelon been observed. In the zeriba MacDonald had been next to Maxwell. But a very significant change in the order was now made. General Hunter evidently conceived the rear of the echelon threatened from the direction of Kerreri.

"I can offer no hope not the slightest, even to rid myself of an annoyance," replied Miss Dumont, with the return of some portion of her former dignity; for the perseverance of the attorney perplexed and troubled her exceedingly. "You know not to what a fate you doom me," said Maxwell, heedless of the lady's rebuke. "There is no remedy;" and Miss Dumont grasped the door-knob. "There is a remedy.

After a careful scrutiny of the premises, Vernon concealed his lantern under his coat, and leaped into the hold, followed by Maxwell. "Now," said Vernon, "I must put this bag into one of these boxes, to be guarded by the spirits of the brave men whose bones repose in them." "Are you mad, man?

I am indebted for some of these particulars to the courtesy of William Constable Maxwell, Esq., present owner of Terregles, Carlaverock, and also of the beautiful hereditary property of Lincluden.

They were all too small for him, and the slippers wouldn't fit him, but Maxwell says he will buy him some new ones to-morrow. And Tommy told me he wouldn't wear a ring if he had one. He asked me why he should, so I told him about the prodigal son in the Bible he seemed to like hearing about it, and he said he thought he was very like him. And then I asked about the music and dancing.